02 Jun 2024 07:35:33
Any news on the bernardo deal?

1.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 08:47:07
Apparently we are trying to lowball the price. Who knew?

2.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 10:01:56
Why go in high. if we truly want him we'll get him I wouldn't be paying any more than 4 or 5m.

3.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 11:28:40
They have no plans to keep him, he wants to stay here, so why wouldn't we try and get the price down.

Same with Idah but their new Manager will want to assess his squad first.

4.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 11:31:01
I am seriously torn on Bernardo . I think there is a player there but he didn’t exactly stand out for me . If his asking price was half what there asking I would say yes but at the price they want he is a no for me .

5.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 12:30:42
In any negotiations go in low and steady work your way up. Why go in and pay top dollar and potentially over the odds.

6.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 16:31:37
Let's not compare Bernardo to MOR but Instead compare him to hatate who played maybe 2 good games when he returned and is STiLL blowing out his ar** after 65 mins. Maybe controversial but Reo can sometimes be an empty jersey.

7.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 19:48:22
For me hatate was event the best Japanese midfielder ?.

8.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 20:10:40
Scored and set up two v sevco, still v young in terms of game time.

9.) 02 Jun 2024
02 Jun 2024 22:09:38
I have to be honest and say he had a spell around Christmas for 4 or 5 games when he looked a class act but his overall contribution was 6.5/ 10.
It’s the fact that he was 8 and 9 out of 10 during that purple patch that makes me torn as u could not pay £5-6m and he ends up in that form again but if we do pay it and he plays like he did in many other games when he was average the fee may look excessive.
Talk about Sutton on the fence I know it’s just a tricky 1 for me.

10.) 03 Jun 2024
03 Jun 2024 08:39:44
He is worth the fee agreed. My point was if there in a deal for a loan, we accepted that. No way would we agree the deal without knowing what they want. So, to go back after an agreement was made, to me is tacky. We shake on it, that’s the price. If we wanted to get a lower price that shouid have been hammered out and agreed when we signed him. I believe of you agree the option, you honour it. Maybe that notion of keeping your word is old fashioned, but I just think its shoddy and suns our board up to a tee. It seems they agreed to secure a price, he arrived, now the price they agreed is too high? How amateurish is that? He is a player who needs more games. Right now he contributes more than Reo. Our whole midfield was awol for too much of the game. I was calling for him to come on at halftime. He made the difference and won the cup for us. Pay the effin fee you agreed to. Or sack those who agreed it if we weren’t going to pay it.

11.) 03 Jun 2024
03 Jun 2024 13:00:37
We haven’t seen the the loan deal, nor the right to buy add on . Without seeing them we can have no way of knowing whether Celtic are tacky or not .
I am sure the SMSM would like to label us so .

12.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 10:58:28
I didn't think Bernardo's deal had a right to buy in it. If it did have one I think we are bound to pay that if we want to sign him but if there wasn't one then we can negotiate like every transfer we do.

13.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 08:05:52
Well in. The lad is an excellent player and will only get better.

Good source ? pic.twitter.com/tS9jUTTMVx

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