Celtic Other Posts 2


Use our rumours form to send us celtic transfer rumours.

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06 Feb 2024 05:36:08
Did you see the "currant bun" word was recently found not to be sectarian by the courts?

It was said that the word, "did not contain a religious aspect or indicate malice and ill-will towards a religious group. ".

08 Feb 2024 07:36:06
Wasn't recently. Guys have been beating it in court for years.

14 Feb 2024 21:54:12
It was recently, as there had been a conviction and that recently got overturned.

31 Jan 2024 00:20:48
Im better supporting Wishaw Wycombe. Disgraceful from the club unless they pull a rabbit out the bag my piss will be boiling! ?.

12 Jan 2024 19:26:40
Kwon away to St mirren on loan av heard.

12 Jan 2024 11:09:35
Remember This Day

"Timalloy PRAISES Peter Lawwell"

As most on here know I am not Daddy Lawwell's biggest fan but if, as it looks likely, he is bringing in ready made first team players that Brendan asked for, ie the boy Kuhn, and two or three more first team players and not projects.
Then this Tim will give him the credit he is due. Yes people on here keep saying it is Baby Lawwell making the buying decisions but there is NO WAY his Daddy does not give "advice to him"
I still blame Pedro for past discretions but I am prepared to praise him if he keeps his promises this transfer window.

25 Dec 2023 08:08:12
merry christmas. let's remember who today is really about our king christ who brought the kingdom of heaven to us on this day and not what we've replaced him with a big guy in a red suit n beard.

25 Dec 2023 08:29:56
why has that been posted here when nobody looks on this discussions page. this is were the hide away post are put.

04 Jan 2024 02:37:04
UI just seeing this post now (as it was hidden ;D) Whilst i, being a priest, agree with your greetings i have to respect Eds decision to post it here. As this is a football forum he could have quite easily and justifiably not posted it at all. On a couple of occasions on the site i have vaguely hinted that I'm a priest and openly said im alcoholic but generally speaking i don't think this is a site for expressing religious or political views etc. AA has helped me for many years but i don't speak about my faith there even though the 12 steps is a very spiritual programme. What unites us here is Celtic as im sure as far as other things are concerned we are all totally different.
Where else would ed post it: what you say is not a rumour its a fact, neither is it banter, unless you were being sarcastic and mocking christianity, nor is it related to the spfl so probably where it should be.
That said i hope yo had a hoopy Christmas and that 2024 will be fantastic. Keep the faith.

04 Jan 2024 13:13:00
Celtic have Christian roots as we all know. If pro Palestine comments are deemed acceptable, we should also be more up front of our spiritual roots. Christ came to reconcile us to God and also reconcile Jew with non Jew.
I hope you post this Ed but realise you've a tough job mate ?.

16 Dec 2023 19:24:08
Got to b the worst performance in many a year. Something seriously wrong at Celtic. Hail hail.

Newcastle United v Liverpool

30 Aug 2023 07:39:06
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new article entitled, Newcastle United v Liverpool

My Current Thoughts On Liverpool FC

26 Aug 2023 07:39:06
{Ed's Note - Fandamonium has posted a new article entitled, My Current Thoughts On Liverpool FC

New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

24 Aug 2023 19:49:57
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new podcast entitled, New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

Liverpool v Bournemouth - A Quick Liverpool Perspective

23 Aug 2023 07:39:07
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new article entitled, Liverpool v Bournemouth - A Quick Liverpool Perspective


Celtic Other Posts

Celtic Other Posts 3

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