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17 Nov 2014 14:24:22
In case you haven't noticed, we have made some updates to your registered accounts, the profile being accessible through the 'my recent posts' section of your account currently. Though that will be changed soon, maybe even by the time you read this, to a more suitably named link.

You can now upload a profile picture, as well as an avatar, which other people can see by clicking on your name underneath a post. You can also add information to your profile, such as the team you support, if you wish to let your fellow posters know more about you.

Also, you can see how you are getting on in our games and competitions on that page. Saving you from having to go to the competition page to find your place on the league tables there.

While mentioning our games, can I just thank all of you that have been helping us with our beta test of the new free to play flash game Flat Out Horse Racing - http://www.footballrumoursbets.co.uk/games/flatouthorseracing.php - which we are currently working on converting to HTML5, so you will be able to play it on iOS and Android devices.

We are also going to add a prize draw on there, to thank you for playing, with you being able to buy tickets to enter the draw using the game money. So the more you play, the more chance you have of winning money.





Ed001's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ed001's banter posts


Curtis Jones

11 Jun 2024 11:39:25
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new player profile about, Curtis Jones




Thiago Alcantara

09 May 2024 09:22:44
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new player profile about, Thiago Alcantara




Alexander Isak

11 Apr 2024 16:50:10
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new player profile about, Alexander Isak




Kostas Tsimikas

27 Mar 2024 07:53:34
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new player profile about, Kostas Tsimikas




Kobbie Mainoo

22 Mar 2024 10:48:42
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new player profile about, Kobbie Mainoo





Ed001's rumour replies


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30 May 2017 08:08:43
Sorry knocked submit before I was finished.

There is also interest from some other clubs in the English Prem. Arsenal might be one to watch, depending on who is in charge.





Ed001's banter replies


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08 Feb 2017 03:37:35
Chelle asked me to thank you all and post this for her:

Hi Guys,
First of all I would like to thank each and everyone of you for all your kindness and support and the amazing donations. I personally can't thank you enough. My uncle was the foundation of our family and touched so many lives, some from the brink of suicide. I have had so many wonderful messages from people greatful for James coming into there lives when he did, we had no ideas just how many, he was a very humble man, I just wish there was many more of him about who would actually put others before themselves. I wanted to turn his passing into something positive by carrying on his legacy to help others, and without the kindness of people like YOU it wouldn't be possible. So from my heart to yours a very big THANKYOU. No one is ever alone so please reach out if you ever need the help and never feel ashamed
Love Chelle x
@lulabellechelle (twitter) feel free to say hello or message any time.




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31 Jul 2016 05:37:47
bugger, must be a problem, i will get it looked at.




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27 Oct 2015 04:56:04
And how much do they pay themselves in salaries? You seem to have forgotten that the directors receive a salary in your claims they take nothing out of the club.




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You could buy crowds for the stands, I remember seeing them in a model shop many years ago. Actually it was a stand that had a crowd in it, if I remember rightly, rather than separate crowds to place in the empty stands.

I remember getting given Subboteo as a kid, I only played it once as we had to lay it out on the floor and there were only 3 players left intact after the first match!




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Ed007 has asked me to comment, I have to say I am amazed at some of the things I have learnt about how Celtic were operating. It is like you were still stuck in the 70s, with players being treated as lads, rather than as professional athletes. While you still need to be able to kick a ball correctly, and can get away with being not at your peak physically if you have better technical players, if you don't have players at their physical best, then they won't perform to their best.

For starters, drinking carbonated drinks, while I love them myself, they are not good for the body and should have been banned from the training ground years ago! The reason players should be in for meals, apart from for team bonding, is to ensure they have the correct diet, and that is not fizzy drinks and junk food!

When Wenger first came into Arsenal, the reason he had immediate success is because the players all bought into his fresh new (at the time) ideas. The Arsenal of those days was faster and stronger than everyone else, in large part due to his ideas. Now they get physically bullied by teams such as Stoke and any team managed by Allardyce, purely because Allardyce and Stoke have taken on board the lessons of Wenger and then gone on another step further.

There are so many things that can still be done, for instance dental work, silly as it sounds, can fix a number of niggling injury problems. In France most clubs will employ a dentist to check the players' teeth on a regular basis, because bad teeth or diseased gums can cause a weakening to the system. I can remember Vladimir Smicer telling me how a niggling hamstring problem he had, that had been constantly reocurring, was fixed by a trip to the dentist!

If you are on that same physical level as the opponent, it gives you a boost psychologically, which helps you play better, as you are more confident. If your opponent can nip past you for pace and bully you for strength as well, it is demoralising. In Europe, you can't compete in terms of finance, which means you can't buy the best players, so the only way you can ensure long term competitiveness is to be faster, stronger, fitter and force the opposition to allow you to play.

It takes time for dietary changes to have effect, some toxins will stay in the body for months, plus the players have to buy into it. No good them eating healthily on the training ground, then going home and stuffing themselves on junk from McDonalds, that will undo all the good work done. That is why it took Ferguson years to get success with Man Utd, he had to get rid of the players who wouldn't work with him and bring in ones who did.

No one can tell if Deila will be a success, but it will be at least 3 years of his modernising regime before you can even be sure. He has to completely gut the club of all who are not backing him and bring in a fresh new slate. You have to look at it like building a new youth system, that can take up to 10 years to show its effects. To go back to the Manchester United example, it was Ron Atkinson's work that resulted in the class of '92. Fergie got all the benefits though!

The question is whether or not Deila will be able to get the benefits of his work or not? The thing I am sure of is that Celtic need this to be able to be more competitive in Europe. If you don't start moving forward soon, you will just continue to go backwards, as everyone around you is moving forwards too. Forget what you need to compete in Scotland, you have more money than the rest, so you will always be able to compete at home. This is about making Celtic a force in Europe again. Not just getting the odd lucky result by hanging on for grim death, but actually being able to look to play them and pick up results.




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