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27 May 2021 15:10:40
May not mean anything guys. But French Eddy has just said on his insta he can't wait to see the fans back at park head. Could be something could be nothing.


1.) 27 May 2021 15:37:56
They say that till they see the dollar signs mate.

2.) 27 May 2021 16:04:00
True Mally but he isn’t one for posting much about Celtic unless it’s the big matches.

3.) 27 May 2021 16:37:19
He followed it up by saying “” I’ve always wanted to play under jack ross “ 😂.

4.) 27 May 2021 16:44:21
Really hope Edouard is sold ASAP to whoever puts in an acceptable offer. I’ve been appalled with his attitude, work rate and desire last season. I want him gone.

5.) 27 May 2021 19:26:56
This coming from a guy who couldn't give a toss this season. Agree with u iceman in the sooner he is sold the better.

6.) 27 May 2021 19:53:04
Talks cheap, if he wants to be at Celtic he’d sign a new deal. if not he can do one.

7.) 27 May 2021 19:57:48
I don't for one second think he'll be here next season however under a new manager he could get back to his best and our best player by some distance.

8.) 27 May 2021 20:17:58
I've watched these games where Eddy has supposed to have downed tools, but I haven't seen that, I've seen him running back to try to win the ball, because he wasn't getting the service, or isolated up on his own, and not getting any service, or playing out wide because he was getting the wrong kind of service, or missing chances because the ball wasn't played in right, there was a lot more wrong with the team than Eddy supposedly downing tools.

9.) 27 May 2021 20:32:32
Agree with all that aindoh.

10.) 27 May 2021 21:56:04
Aindoh you must have missed the game against Sevco where he missed a penalty. A total disgrace that game, and I'm not just talking about his penalty.

11.) 27 May 2021 23:21:36
Don’t get all the hate with edouard last I checked he finished the season top goal scorer? Think he’s been more found out with his dribbling and taking to many touches.

12.) 28 May 2021 01:57:50
I missed a lot of games this year due to a hefty time difference, but I'm with Aindoh for what its worth (not much) : just don't see how its Edouard's fault. He was always a bit lackadaisical except when he turned it on: that's part of how he pulls it off.



26 Jun 2020 18:24:20
Apparently we have made bid for Lindon Selahi 21 year old CM. Any truth in this or concrete interest ed?


{Ed007's Note - There's interest but as far as I know there's been no formal bid made yet.}

1.) 27 Jun 2020 15:41:43
Is he any good or is he one for the future?

2.) 27 Jun 2020 22:48:46
That phrase scares me Steph, 'one for the future'. How many of them have we bought in the past and how many of them have ever turned out to be anything? HH.

3.) 28 Jun 2020 10:24:02
How about lenoxtown producing our ones for the future and our transfer dealings producing one for this exact moment .



15 May 2019 17:54:04
Afternoon Ed,

Just had a text from one of my mates he's pretty decent with the ins and outs but I'm calling BS on this. He's said Rafa to be appointed tomorrow? Surely this is utter BS?


1.) 15 May 2019 18:27:06
toprig, we'd all love it to be true but. and that always seems to be our problem, there's always a but when it comes to major decisions. HH.



26 Feb 2019 08:45:08
Rodgers has left.


1.) 26 Feb 2019 09:03:16
with no statement from Rodgers or Celtic distancing for the Leicester job and now permission to speak to them, I wonder who’s decision it is for him to leave, I think Celtic will be glad as they don’t have to pay him compensation.

All about transferr kitty’s and the quality of previous transfers.

2.) 26 Feb 2019 09:24:20
Disgusted with him, just few weeks ago saying he was happiest he’d ever been, living the dream, no problem with transfer policy, knew what the job was before he took it etc.
To leave now, mid season with a treble treble in sight and to go to a club like Leicester just shows all he’s been doing is biding his time for first offer to come in.
Hope they get relegated!

3.) 26 Feb 2019 15:28:44
Lawwell will be lapping this up, get Lenny on the cheap, save on his wages and teams wages. 6 million from Leicester, offer that to whoever the next manager in in the summer, bonus guaranteed for him and his cronies. If Rogers can’t get funds out of him to improve what chance will anyone else after winning a double treble . And still the biggest outlay in the last window was for his bonus, wake up Celtic . He’s a very good business man but from my point of view he has too much interference in the football side, even the Ukrainian winger seemed to be signed from behind Brendan’s back. But still in saying all this, I’m gutted that he himself has chose to leave us in a critical point in the season. If he was in the dream job as he stated many times where is the lure of Leicester .
This is so typical of us as a club that from a position of strength we seem to throw it away.



14 May 2018 11:58:12
Ajer has just signed a new 4 year contract. Terrific news from the club this guy is going to be a top quality CB.





toprig's banter posts with other poster's replies to toprig's banter posts


18 Jan 2022 06:37:13
Ange, has to be the best manager in years that deals with the media the way he does. Never gives them anything and turns the interviews to his own liking.




22 Apr 2021 08:09:44
We were told changes would be made yesterday. But yet I still seen Niro at the back which is fine. The same midfield of Brown and McGregor which has been disastrous all season. What has Soro done exactly not to merit a place in the team. He hasn't put a foot wrong from what I see he has a very intelligent reading of the game and does the simple things right. Christie still playing and doing absolute heehaw as well why not put dembele on from the start to bring that bit of spark.


1.) 22 Apr 2021 09:38:00
Kennedy (who was said to be an excellent coach) , has come up well short in team selection and performance. Particularly, in the last two games, when questions were asked. Starting Laxalt, on Sunday was wrong and it took him 45 minutes to admit it; then last night it was the exact same with Eddy, Christie and Broony, who most fans thought should never have started and he was eventually forced to hook them. The team that finished the game should probably have started along with Soro, who is getting a really raw deal at the minute IMO. The new manager cannot come soon enough as there is a huge job in hand.

2.) 22 Apr 2021 11:06:43
OAB2, Kennedy is our Murty.

Good enough coach (apparently) but a lot to learn before he gets the main job at a big club.

3.) 22 Apr 2021 13:36:50
McKay won't feel fully in charge till Lawell goes. So I wouldn't expect much from him as Lawell will still be pulling the strings I'd imagine.



05 Sep 2019 17:48:07
Is Arzani fully fit now?

Just surprised if he is and not playing we haven't terminated the loan with the amount of attackers we have now.


1.) 05 Sep 2019 19:06:32
Might be cheaper to keep him than terminate his loan.

2.) 05 Sep 2019 20:34:56
Might be cheaper to terminate HIM than keep him on loan.



21 Apr 2019 09:43:31
Ed what's your thoughts on the young lad Brophy?

He's a bright talent maybe wouldn't be at a level for us?

But could have a decent future in the game. He's a Celtic lad as well which earns merit points.


{Ed007's Note - He's certainly turning into a good SPFL player and he's a really nice lad off the pitch - I spoke to him a few times when he was at Accies - plus as you say he's Celtic daft but it would be a big step up for him to come back and play for us. There was never any doubt about his talent but he was seen as too small by us and then Hibs so he worked his ass off in the gym at Accies to build himself up and that's helped him out no end. I wouldn't be surprised to see Clarke take him down south if he decides to return there this summer at Championship level, not the Pub League though.}

1.) 21 Apr 2019 11:27:31
Ye, seems to have matured into a bullish striker. I remember him hassling the other mob the last time they played and he's got some pace about him.

If he sticks to it like you said he could get a break with Clark down south.



01 Feb 2019 08:06:51
I think what we need to remember is that it's a January transfer window. Teams don't want to let players go in this window unless it's for an absurd amount of money. So the loans we've done have to do till the summer.

I do however think that we'll need to get players in early doors for the qualifiers in the summer if Celtic aren't looking to try to extend weahs and Burke's loans/ possible permanent. Also 2 Cbs are going to have to come in as well as a Rb if the German lads loan deal isn't to be made permanent.

All in all it's the most productive January window I can think of in recent years with 7 signings.





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06 Jan 2024 12:02:21
I don’t know why we would be interested in brining McKenna in, CB isn’t a priority we currently have 4 fit CBs as well Welsh who is injured. There’s other positions we need to sort out first.




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27 May 2021 16:04:00
True Mally but he isn’t one for posting much about Celtic unless it’s the big matches.




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16 Jan 2019 20:45:48
Ed hit the nail on the head. He's been playing beside brown who's touch has gone and passes have been horrendous. So Ntcham has had to cover or recover and drop deeper than he would like.




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27 Aug 2018 06:53:38
They’ve won one game in there first 3 league games. If anything it’s hearts that are flying atm. That Goldson couldn’t handle a bit of physicality.




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04 Aug 2018 18:50:48
I’m sorry but McKenna from the games I’ve seen him play has been nothing more than an average player. If we are going to be bringing in a CB (if someone leaves) . I’d expect better quality.





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26 Apr 2024 06:51:35
My son’s under 10s at Queens Park. I wouldn’t say the training was strenuous, but it’s very much the coach will explain a drill once and they’re expected to pick it up quickly. I’d also say it’s heavily based on attitude and work rate they’re expected to play, at that age in every position bar goalkeeper, and if they’re hurt they’ll never be coddled they’ll be expected to get up. In my eyes makes sense because you need to be ready for that physicality. I also had to fill out forms about my own height ect and they’ll look at parents to see what height and build they are to determine the kids. He’s also had to do cognitive tests on the computer, so a 4 by 8 grid will show on the screen with arrows point different direction, it’ll flash off then flash on and he’s to pick the arrow that’s changed direction. I could barely do it. The standards are just very high and they no longer look at age groups under the age of 12 unless they’re exceptional talent.




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12 Mar 2024 18:27:15
Lager and Scales (only if CCV is injured) . Lagers stats are actually really good. Out of the 6 starts he’s played we’ve won 5 drawn 1 and also kept a clean sheet for 5 out of 6. Games.




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12 Mar 2024 15:37:38
Completely disagree Buzz, Scales done a job as cover earlier on in the season. He is a very basic defender who shouldn’t be anywhere near the first team. Welsh must have scuddies of someone’s wife, that’s the only thing I can think of keeping him at Celtic. His defending at the weekend was shocking. Both are no better than any average defender in our league.




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25 Jan 2024 10:22:47
Kuhn isn’t a replacement for Abada, he’s a left footed left winger who can play 10. He’s said this himself as well. He also didn’t play against Buckie because he hadn’t eaten for 12 days due to getting two wisdom teeth out.




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02 Jan 2024 11:12:06
Nawrocki was brought in because he is a right footed left sided CB.




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