13 May 2024 08:37:54
KT up for sale. Trying to sign him is a no brainer and here's why. Is he an upgrade on Taylor, no question. Is he as good a player as we can attract in that position, probably. Is he in his peak years for a defender, yes. And he cares. Ok he has injury issues (so does CCV) some of which are unfortunate like a broken jaw but Taylor is back-up. And we spend money like confetti on defenders that even when fully fit struggle or make or bench. He is within our price range and going for him and one or two other quality players will put us out of sight. Throw the ?.

1.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 08:52:18
No doubt he is the better player, but with KT's injury history, the SPL might not be the best place to be. He was a marked man before he left and had no protection from referees. However, who knows?

2.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 10:01:46
A fit KT would be an awesome addition. Not just at LB but could become a future 1st pick left sided CB. Same as Tam Boyd.

3.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 10:13:05
Massive no for me. Doesn't matter how good he is if we can't get him on the park. We play 60 or more games a season and KT only manages about 25 most years.

4.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 10:26:38
I would play him at Left CH, less bombing up and down the park!

5.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 10:52:21
If you could garaintee 25 games a season it's a no brainer.

6.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 10:53:36
NOt for me unLess Pay as you play but still think he got found out a lot in Europe mb learned with playing in Enguland.

7.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 11:25:44
If we forget for a second we had him first time around, I think we'd all jump at the chance to sign any player with that pedigree. I used to be on the fence about this one, but it would be a coup if we could bring Kieran home. and Jota next lol.

8.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 12:08:56
Like Keev 63 it’s a massive no from me .
According to what we were told he was fulfilling his boyhood dream, playing for the club/ team he adored . He made a total fool of me once, and I am damned if I want him to get a second chance to fool me again. I believed his nonsense, joining with fans to celebrate our victories . I assured English
in - laws we had a brilliant fullback that will stay with us for all his career . In recent years only Ange who we gave an unexpected opportunity to manage at the highest level in Europe at an age when his managerial career must have peaked but he opted for money greed with Spurs . K T opted for Arsenal and after a decent season became a bench warmer . I would totally hate if he got a 2nd chance to play for us, earn very good money and win loads of Trophies . I just couldn’t tolerate thatv.

9.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 12:29:17
If we could get 30 games out him a season I'd say yes. Upgrade, he's one of us. Not got the physicality for a decent CB so it would be as as a fb.

10.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 12:41:05
I wouldn't touch him. In the past 4 seasons he's missed 15 games on average per season and I don't see that improving as he gets older tbh.

11.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 13:32:28
I can't understand how anyone can say its a no brainer if we can get around 25 games out of him.
Saying taylor would very a back up? He'd end up playing around same amount games than KT.
Look at the trouble it has caused losing CCV at important times the last few season.

12.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 13:45:33
Depends on the deal and the costs. Has to be possible too?.