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18 Jun 2022 20:42:37
My first game was a defeat, 1970 Scottish cup final, 15 Honest mistakes and a 3-1 win for Aberdeen.
After that my Dad took me periodically then religiously to paradise, we mostly sat in the main stand always to the right of the tunnel just behind the dugout although games against the original Rangers we were always in the Celtic end of the Jungle, I don't know why my dad did this but I'm glad he did, it would serve me well for many years in the future.
In my melancholy moments I think of the many great games and players I have had the pleasure of seeing both domestic and European in that era, we had some great players, we never called them World class in those days they were just great players that could have played with any club in the World and we were just lucky to have them, great times!
Anyway the other night I was watching Now 70s and The Hollies came on singing 'The Air that I breath' and I was instantly transported back to the main stand Dad beside me, Jungle in front of me and the sight of the half grass half mud surface probably about 73/ 74.
Music has a Visceral effect on me Is there any song that takes you back to a certain Celtic team or trophy win in the past?


1.) 18 Jun 2022 21:17:37
A brilliant post Charles67.
My dad said that performance by Airdrie referee Davidson, was the worst referee performance he had ever witnessed.
My dad still has fond memories of that Final because he took his Granda, who was an Aberdeen fan from Dingwall.
A few days later Celtic went back to Hampden and beat Leeds 2-1 to reach another European Cup Final.
I’m not very good when it comes to music Charles ?.

2.) 18 Jun 2022 21:31:59
My dad was a pr! ck. Always promised to take me to games but going to the pub was his priority.

First game was at home to motherwell in 95 I think when big Pierre scored the only goal. I was right next to the directors box and mind a motherwell director telling me if motherwell win he'd give me £20. 20 quid was a lot of dough to a ten yer auld back then, but still told him no.

To get tickets for this game, my mum (bless her) actually wrote to Tommy Burns. Explained how I'd been let down and she knew tickets were so hard to come by. Could he recommend how to get me some before they were sold out. Tommy addressed a letter to myself. Complimentary tickets, with access to the dressing room before the game and the players lounge afterwards. What an experience I had. What a guy. Will never forget it.

3.) 18 Jun 2022 21:46:31
Buzz Bomb 10, most of my memories from that game are of my Dad swearing which he never did and the trouble in Central station after the game.
72 onwards my memories are crystal, what a team and manager we had!
I have to say though, I have high hopes for this team and manager!

4.) 18 Jun 2022 22:54:17
Good times ahead Charles.
What a guy Tommy Burns was.
Really Good memories for you Mikey. ?.

5.) 19 Jun 2022 08:20:55
I remember the first game my dad took me to, Celtic V Nacional, the Uruguay team, who were the south American champions. This was early 70's, my dad was friends with George Connelly and he got Kenny Dalglish to speak to me after the game. Will never forget how i felt that day.

6.) 19 Jun 2022 08:56:04
A very cool post Charles67, great memories indeed.

BuzzBomb and myself are of a similar vintage, just a few years behind yourself.

I started going to the watch Celtic as a kid around 1983, sometimes on the supporters bus, when, me and my pals didn't 'technically' have seats and there could be 3 or 4 of us in two seats by the time we got to Glasgow, much to the bus conveners annoyance - health and safety also wasn't as big a deal then ?.

Alternatively we'd get the train up to Bellgrove (I'm sure that was the station) and walk the rest of the way past what is now the Retail Park and although I don't recall specific songs, the one thing that sticks out in my mind was the anticipation - that was magic.

The weather never mattered and Celtic to us, way back then, was a cause, we got that, we felt that.

If we were meeting at Celtic Park we'd always stand near the floodlights between the mainstand and the Celtic end, it gave us a reference point as there were no mobile phones at that time.

Occasionally we'd stand in the 'jungle' but the queues to get in for some games were crazy.

We were fortunate to watch some cracking players, Celtic greats from McGrain to Aitken, Burns to McClair and so on.


☘️ ? ☘️.

7.) 19 Jun 2022 09:22:33
That must have been awesome roddy.
My friend got his photo taken being lifted up by Brian Clough in 1983,when Nottingham Forest came to Glasgow to play Celtic.
The closest I got to any players was when I interviewed a couple of Celtic players about 1990 or 1991 for a school project.
I did enjoy having a few pints with Neil Lennon when he was the manager of Hibs.

8.) 19 Jun 2022 09:40:02
George Connelly ?

☘️ ? ☘️.

9.) 19 Jun 2022 09:50:02
Sailing by rod Stewart.1975 . was one of them goosebump moments the first time hearing it sung at celtic Park (I think it was a midweek game europe ) it was a regular for a few years after . great memories with everyone in full voice scarves up swaying side to side and belting it out.

10.) 19 Jun 2022 11:28:50
When I was in my teens I wasn't allowed to go to games, I can't remember my first game but it cost 4 quid for the main stand. Most memorable early game was when we beat the mini currants 2_1 with McGhee scoring the equaliser with 2mins to go and Walker the winner from a McAvennie cross was complete bedlam.

11.) 19 Jun 2022 13:43:43
@Charles Buzz and rest of bhoys, good posts with good memories, except for poor Mikeybhoy, my dad was not able to take me to games because of ill health, but his brother my uncle Jimmy took me, but he was in early stages of becoming an alcolholic drinking heavily, so my early memories are of standing outside pub, with the other boys while the grown ups all got p! ssed, but at least we all go coke, crisps and chocolate bars handed out.
The old Jungle was an amazing place, exciting, scary, intimidating all at same time but I LOVED the atmosphere.
George Connelly, there was a talent, but sadly he had to give up football far too early because of mental health issues. He was part of the "Quality Street Kids" who came just after the Lisbon Lions.
One early game I remember is the Glasgow Cup final and big Jock played the entire reserve team, while the old Rangers fielded their first team. The Kids were 3-0 going on ten at half time, and I remember the second half we Celtic fans baited the currents tiressly by singing "All we are saying is, give the Sevconians a chance"

12.) 19 Jun 2022 14:19:43
My friend and his dad left early at 1-0 and missed the goals.
His dad took the car and he wanted to miss the traffic.
They could hear the roars as they walked back to the car.
That game in 1988 wasn’t going to extra time and the replay was set for the Wednesday, if it finished a draw after 90 minutes.
I was glad when the winner went in because I was playing football on the Wednesday night and I would’ve missed the replay.

13.) 19 Jun 2022 14:22:17
It’s great reading all the Celtic stories.
It’s magic being a Celtic supporter. ?.

14.) 19 Jun 2022 16:02:48
Ha ha ED007 "Sevconians" in 1970 somehow I don't think so, as they are too current but in 1970 was the REAL "Currants" lol.

{Ed007's Note - There must be a filter on it.}

15.) 19 Jun 2022 18:19:02
Can’t quite remember my first game but one of my best early memories was the first year back at parkhead after hampden season. We were getting beaten by Raith Rovers and scored 2 in the last 2 mins to win, Thom and PVH if memory serves me. We did similar to Dundee Utd that year in Scottish Cup too.

16.) 19 Jun 2022 20:24:58
As with Deep River Buoy, Sailing with Rod Stewart, but all I remember was the mid-70s.
It must have been August, maybe September, because it was a really sunny day. The Sevconians were 2 - 1 up with 3 minutes to go, and Paul Wilson hit a screamer past McCloy. We were Sailing for the rest of the game, and the dust at the Celtic end was horrendous.
It finished 2 - 2, but felt like victory!

17.) 19 Jun 2022 22:27:48
My dad started taking me to games around 1993 when I was about 9. I remember my first cup final against raith rovers at ibrox. We used to go to the games in my uncles van (he was a joiner so had a transit type van) where up to 20 of us were piled in the back. My mum was dead against me going to the match this way but I remember telling her how safe it was. It was also how I learned most of the rebel songs. Great times.



31 Dec 2019 23:38:08
To all on this site and especially Ed, Pray God we all have a Happy New Year, our team prospers but more importantly our families and friends stay Healthy.
God Bless guys.


{Ed007's Note - Thanks, Charles, God bless to you and yours 🙏



25 Dec 2019 16:45:47
Merry Christmas to all, I hope you and yours have a Happy and a Holy one.
And on a selfish note 6 points before new year would be nice. GB.


{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas, Charles, God bless.}

1.) 25 Dec 2019 18:06:41
Ed, I was deeply touched by your post last week, I feel you are a proud guy so I will refrain from patronisation but I pray you have a great new year and I hope you receive comfort in our Faith. God Bless.

{Ed007's Note - Thank you 🙏



01 Jan 2017 00:21:16
Happy new year to everyone, friend and foe. Football and especially Celtic is very important to all of us, but please God we all stay safe and well in the next year.




15 Oct 2016 21:48:47
I thought there was a lot of good things about today's performance, although sometimes its frustrating when they try to score the perfect goal when putting the laces through the ball is required. I enjoy watching playing from the back and keeping the ball but does anybody else agree with the pace up front we have especially Dembele, every now and then a quick long ball from defence over the last defender might reap rewards. There was times today when the space behind Motherwells defence was begging for a quick punt!


1.) 16 Oct 2016 11:42:39
Kieran Tierney is the best thing i have seen in a while, the bhoy is outstanding.

2.) 16 Oct 2016 11:26:29
Thought we played really well. the motherwell keeper had a great game but another outstanding display from young kieran. best fullback from the great Danny mcgrain.

3.) 16 Oct 2016 19:32:23
We are definitely playing at a higher tempo, this season than we have for a very long time . I have felt for decades if we play at a high tempo we can compete with any team . Typical of how we are playing was Dembele stretching his legs and forcing the penalty in the 87th minute .

What I also liked was that the three players brought in who haven't played consistently fitted in seamlessly and could fill in if needed.




Charles67's rumour replies


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03 Jun 2023 18:32:52
If this is true it confirms as I have long suspected that the imminent relocation of our manager position is grossly exaggerated!




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28 Aug 2022 18:05:24
As I said earlier I actually think we were off it for periods of the game, I thought we were sloppy at times but 9-0 doesn't happen every week.
I was explaining to my sons about the old tele printer days when they had to type the dictionary term next to the numerical figure with the assumption that people wouldn't believe the score.
Hamilton 1 Celtic 8 (Eight)
I really believe this team and manager are on the verge of something special over the next few years if they continue to grow together.




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26 Jun 2022 21:01:07
gedceltic, a night that anyone that witnessed it will never forget.
It is actually hard after all these years to describe what happened that night without being accused of over exaggeration.
UEFA should forever hang their heads in shame that the thugs from Madrid were not expelled and Celtic gifted the tie.
I think some of our players seeking private retribution near to and in the tunnel may have influenced the Uefa panel but their competition was marred by allowing this **** to compete in their showpiece game.
For those not there, the Glasgow police and our players actually had to defend themselves against these morons after the game.
I sat near the tunnel and had the pleasure of witnessing a Glasgow Bobby holding one of them that had punched Jinky whilst TC defended his teammates honour.
People say, move on, time heals, get over it.
Would we have beaten Bayern in the final? Maybe!
As far as VAR is concerned the King had a good goal disallowed, when twice as good crossed the ball, it was never over the line.




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26 Jun 2022 17:41:53
Rumour mill season is always entertaining and it is often hard to filter through the rubbish to find the reality but I do think there will be interest in JJ, class fullbacks are thin on the ground at the moment and I have enjoyed watching him and hope that we can somehow hang on to him.
If he is to go I hope we hold out for top dollar but please God not Atletico Madrid!
Many supporters of my vintage will feel the same, they will always be scumbags to me!




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05 Apr 2021 12:47:10
Ed: what would you add to powdered water?


{Ed007's Note - Benzocaine?}




Charles67's banter replies


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26 May 2024 18:22:47
£134.75 minus tax.




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13 Apr 2024 19:48:20
Thought we were good today in very difficult circumstances.
The wind as always is a great leveller.
Two things:
Should James Forrest have a front row seat in our last 5 games?
Does anyone in the Celtic conscience and Morality contingent have access to a weather report?




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28 Jan 2024 15:47:36
Buzz, sorry pal but no Gordon Strachan?
With what he was left with and what he achieved under strict financial constraints, I would argue he was one of the best managers we have had in our history.




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27 Jan 2024 22:17:19
I have been watching Celtic for 54 years, I have witnessed greatness, mediocrity, and more than a few times abysmally poor players wearing the hoops.
I would have given my soul to wear that jersey.
I actually played against a few of those players I watched over the years and held my own, I was asked to train with St Mirren, Aberdeen, Nottingham forest and our South side neighbours watched me 5 times until they enquired about my upbringing.
I was only ever interested in watching or playing for Celtic.
I only say this to illustrate how much Celtic has meant to me and the enormous part the club has played in my life.
An old school friend and a former team mate of mine played hundreds of games against us in Scotland for two clubs, I still regularly see him at Mass and we have a gab about the hoops, we both go to every home game.
Where is he going with this I can hear them shouting, look I have had a drink after the game and my spirits are low, I had two altercations today at the game because I was defending our manager, a guy I have a lot of respect for. One guy was threatening to hand back his season ticket, one young guy was telling me I had no place at Celtic park if second place was acceptable to me.
We were murder today, I agree with that but dear God we actually won the game I have seen every manager from Big Jock to the sainted Postecoglou and they all had bad periods for one reason or another but in my day we supported the team because we don't care if we win lose or draw.
There is now this societal view that you must agree with me or be damned and its starting to grate with me, I am sick to the back teeth with it, my point of view is as valid as anybody else whether you agree with it or not. I may not agree with you but I respect your right to disagree with me, please extend me the same courtesy.
For what its worth I think we are good enough to win this league and strengthen in the Summer, if we don't I will still buy my ticket to see us winning it the next year.
We have no right to win anything, I just feel we have a new breed of fans that shall we say think differently.
Should we have better players than played today, maybe!
We are a gigantic club in a small backwater, if we won't sell our best players to others at this time of the year why should other clubs sell their best players to us?
Anyway enjoy your night guys and just to clarify I was only being keyboard dramatic about my Soul! Its for God Almighty to decide not me.




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29 Dec 2023 20:45:50
Shake it up Boss, try something different, the team for tomorrow?

Johnstone Scales Welsh

Abada O Rilley McGregor Maeda


Furuhashi Oh.




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