22 Jun 2024 22:14:03
What about the Romanian goalie, 36 years old but a big improvement on big Joe.

1.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 03:07:57
No chance we bring in someone that age, Rodgers has said that he wants someone younger
According to reports, we have made an offer for of £7m Livakovic with talks at an advanced stage.
Would be very happy if this is true although it is from Football Insider so I think we probably have a better chance signing Ronaldo.

2.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 07:49:09
When you consider livakovic's current salary I don't think there is any truth in that story and as you rightly pointed out that website is trash.

3.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 08:02:29
Oh dear aindoh have a day aff deary me.

4.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 12:34:29
Joe Hart came in at 34 yrs of age and I think exceeded most of us fan’s expectations.
I doubt anyone would realistically think signing a 36 year old would make sense I think fans are doing well to spot a player who can improve without worrying excessively about the alleged wages player is supposed to be earning .
Usually these wages are the figment of someone’s imagination and should be ignored.

5.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 13:16:34
Of all the Euro 24 keepers we have been linked with Casteels the Belgian keeper has looked the best to me so far .

6.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 17:29:44
According to numerous sites, the boy is earning £15k a week so I don't see how even offering him £20-£25k a year isn't possible.
If that's who BR wants then the board need to get the deal done.

7.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 18:54:59
He signed a 5 year contract which was reported at 13,350,000 Euros.

This is over 2.5 million euros per season, so I doubt that figure if 15k per week is accurate.

8.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 20:34:13
Sure he is on around 50k a week.

9.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 20:51:44
The figures quoted show that pick a number and u can create a rumour around the wages . Footballers wages are a matter known solely by player, players agent and the team that holds the registration, so many hangers -on want to air their knowledge, but usually their estimations are probably way off.

10.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 06:53:00
That is why players go to turkey as they pay well.

11.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 10:28:52
Your source of pay by Turkish clubs is? .
It is possible they may appear to pay some players well in Turkey and others receive poor wages.

12.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 17:56:15
You can find it online.

13.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 08:36:01
If Celtic want a serious keeper as Harts replacement it comes down to paying a good wage which we rarely seem to do with GKs. Our first choice is usually in the £12-15k bracket. I'm sure that lot ain't paying Butland those kind of wages.

14.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 09:28:26
Weejoe, I don't know where you get the figures from, I've looked again and every website quotes €17k a week (around £15k).

15.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 13:01:02
JoeBhoy, I cannot understand why in. 2024 any Footballl fan can be so gullible to believe what they read online .
Like everything else if u read enough nonsense on line you will probably come across the truth once or twice . Why should Scottish people. believe on line stories about the wages of specific player playing for Turkish Club .
How does it it matter, if player wants out away from Turkish football it isn’t the Turkish wage that will be problem, he has already turned his back on it, but the wages that clubs are offering for his keeping ability after Turkey . That’s where our competitors will be and we may have a wages battle with them.