06 Jun 2024 10:09:00
Might be a dumb question but could Celtic buy out Inverness who seem to be in a rather dodgy state at the minute and use them to advance our B team rather than the current sh! t setup.

{Ed007's Note - We were talking about this in the Discord chat last night, there are rules against dual ownership of clubs but from what I can see they only apply in UEFA competitions - does anyone else know anything about it?

1.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 12:04:46
Im not sure but surely it would prevent inverness from ever playing in the same league as us.? I do like the idea though as at least the 2nd teir would be much more beneficial than what they are up againt at present.
I don't mind the admira wacker link actually as it exposes the kids to a different culture etc and help them mature off the pitch also. Id like a couple of young lads sent there every season as it seems to have done tobi and the other boy (his name escapes me) no harm.
Ive always thought a club in and around El2 like a fleetwood would also be beneficial or even a club from irelands top flight.
All of these options are miles better than what it is at present. It really is pathetic that the developmental side of things is so shockingly poor.

{Ed007's Note - ????

2.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 12:23:08
Admira wacker?

3.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 12:31:24
I don't think our youth have ever won that league and if that's true if they went into the league in place of Inverness they qeoulds get relegated pretty quickly. I think the league they are in is suitable until they win that league consistently over a few years then I think the would be ready to step up but at the moment they are struggling to win that league . I am not a huge follower of them to be fair so they might be better than the results show.

4.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 13:14:46
Celtic have some sort of deal going on with admira wacker of austria.
We had 2 youth players playing with them last season with both doing well seemingly. I think they play in the 2nd tier in austria.

5.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 15:11:04
I know mate? our young lb was in their league team of the year . what I meant was could we go further with them ie more players on loan.