28 May 2024 13:05:11
I continue to bask in the satisfaction and pleasure of winning the Double. Yes, on many levels, the season was difficult and stressful but tbh, because it was a lot closer this season, I'm enjoying our success more than recent seasons. Might watch the cup final again ?.
Btw it was only closer coz we regressed, not because they got better.

1.) 28 May 2024
28 May 2024 13:38:44
Apart from the goal you couldn't pay me to watch that game again possibly worst final I've seen.

2.) 28 May 2024
28 May 2024 15:10:36

Likewise I was back out celebrating on Sunday as well. It was sweet… even agreed to go and see the Wolf Tones in Finsbury Park on 5 July (which will be a good day to be outwith Glasgow City centre) …. couple of drinks in the Cock Tavern and then a few stops on the tube?

I only got a ticket on Thursday night… so was raring to go by Saturday.

We do need to get the recruitment better. It’s never going to be perfect but we need a better spread of good signings.

I am confident of us getting 2 or 3 quality signings in and getting better.

Idah has surprised me. More composed and better on the ball that I first thought. We could do worse.

3.) 28 May 2024
28 May 2024 16:45:25
Celt65 . Your last line indicates all the problems are recruitment team have, just as Idah surprised many of us by being better than you and most of us thought .

The opposite is also true after careful watching and analysis of a prospective new player, Celtic decide to buy and subsequently this new player turns out to be more of a disappointment than our recruitment team and us fans originally thought.
So with the best will in the world and through nobody’s fault some of our buys will be less composed and worse on the ball than we first thought. The only sure way to improve team, is to hold on to existing players that club and fans are happy with, so that we can keep recruitment to a minimum, only signing from a position of strength, not because we are desperate because existing player in a certain position is not good enough, because we can’t guarantee the replacement will fit in and improve team . If we are signing to improve our enhance a position we are already strong, then if new player doesn’t measure up, we aren’t in a bad position as we were already strong.

4.) 28 May 2024
28 May 2024 17:33:43
Wee Des 1,

Don’t disagree with anything you say. We signed 11 or 12 players last season, which was too much and mostly relied on what we had, apart from Idah, Palma, Kuhn and Bernardo. Although none of these were always playing, but they did all contribute and played their part in our success.

I do think our recruitment was flawed this season both in numbers and personnel. My point is I would expect a better ratio on success, although as you say it’s very difficult to be successful in the recruitment business.

I actually felt we needed 3 good signings last year and maybe 2 or 3 for the future. I feel the same this year.

A little rest for most but I guess someone will be working on bringing players in for us as we type!

Certainly agree that we should build on what we have and not change things too much… incrementally and keep the good team spirit and understanding.