10 Jun 2024 20:56:08
Never thought I could get giddy reading a transfer rumour, just read that Celtic have quoted 6m to West Brom for Mikey ?.

1.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 21:38:31
And pigs fly ?.

2.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 05:56:47
He could be a good makeweight for Idah.

3.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 07:59:21
A lot of cackle about Amarty signing. Hope it’s just rumours.

4.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 12:27:09
Ask for £6m settle for £4.5m . To be honest I never thought we would make a million, so, good news if it’s true. I read yesterday WBA need to get players out. I wouidnt be surprised if they ask for another loan with an obligation to buy.

5.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 13:14:08
Another oh no. Rogers brought in Philips, the worst of all last seasons signings. He talks quality then goes for players who aren’t. This guy for me isn’t anywhere near what we need. Rogers signings for me at least, are always a worry. If this is true then buckle up.

6.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 17:32:23

He done well with Idha.

7.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 08:37:25
One swallow does not a summer bring. With us it’s like a lucky dip too often. Bought a van load last summer and not a single one held down a place. That’s utterly woeful. Not a single player.

The go cheap and hope is a disastrous strategy. Over the last 20 years under we wasted nearly £60m on utter duds, missed out on about five CL qualifications playing Bitton at CB. I hope lessons have been learned. But, I need convincing.

8.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 19:24:27
It’s a bit harsh to blame BR for the players recruited last summer . BR only became Manager after window had opened and not only had he to assess players already at club, but also check the players recruitment had listed as possibilities and if he wasn’t satisfied by the standard of the players on recruitment list, then a new list was required. It may not have been BR fault that recruitment last summer wasn’t great .
Magicpole u pour scorn on BR signing Idah, but u don’t miss blaming him for Phillips. , it could be said that maybe a bit of double standards.

9.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 10:50:05

Take our Dembelle and Eddy, as both were lined up to sign. Rogers record of buying duds is there to see. Now that may have been down to Lawell’s buy cheap and hope it doesn’t affect my bonus, philosophy. But, it’s still an array of utter failure.