27 May 2024 22:38:28
Long time reader……. 1st time posting. Excellent site been a joy to read over the years.

Would anyone think going for Martial from Man Utd is a possibility? Free agent and needs to kickstart his career? Could come up here and get his self back on the football map


{Ed007's Note - Welcome aboard mate, always nice to see new posters but Martial even if we could afford him would be a massive no for me, his attitude stinks and he would have been a top player if he had screwed the nut when he was younger.}

1.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 22:57:08
Thanks for the reply. Always appreciate your guys knowledge of the game/ players.

{Ed007's Note - ??

2.) 28 May 2024
28 May 2024 06:38:29
Welcome aboard but it's a no from me as well total waster.

3.) 28 May 2024
28 May 2024 11:32:14
Many players who go to clubs like Manchester United and fail to play anywhere near standard required are as Mallythetally describes total wasters. They have got their big money move with far too much money in wages, and they will usually regard any subsequent move as a step down.

4.) 28 May 2024
27 May 2024 23:39:17
Reckon oriley could be one for man u Ed? Appreciate they are a club in upheaval but you could see them building something around a player like matt.

{Ed007's Note - Matt O’Riley (CM/AM) Celtic player being watched by Manchester United and Bournemouth. Prior interest of Leeds and Fulham will go nowhere. Borussia Dortmund sent scouts but have identified a preferred option. Atletico Madrid may return with an offer to buy the player in the summer and should not be discounted.
Now that the season has ended I expect there will be more teams beefing up their interest in MOR and if he catches the eye at the Euros that could drive the interest and hopefully his price up.}