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19 Aug 2015 12:16:54
Was reading that we are interested in Michu from Swansea. Anything in this ed or is it just media bs?


{Ed007's Note - I think something's been lost in translation over this rumour, as far as I know Sevilla are interested in signing Michu OR Scepovic so maybe someone has seen CFC's name mentioned and put 2 + 2 together and came up with 1967.}

1.) 19 Aug 2015 13:55:33
Based on how he was playing when firat at Swansea would have him in a heartbeat. I reckon these hit whore journos have just been having a peek on here though!

2.) 19 Aug 2015 15:02:17
I don't want us to sign him if it is true.

Yes he was good (great even) in that first season but that's a while ago now, and up until then he'd hadn't exactly set the world alight - neither has he done it since.

As well as that, and probably my chief reason for being against the move, is that we simply don't need him. He's not a striker. At best he's a false nine, which isn't what we require. Yes he'd probably walk into our midfield front three, but that's all he'd do - walk. He doesn't have the energy levels or fitness (in terms of his dodgy ankle) to make a difference in Europe, and whilst I'm sure he'd do damage domestically, we don't need him for that.

For the money that is being banded about (simply in wages) I'd rather see it spent on a striker. I've went on about Yusuf Poulson before, but to be honest, there are plenty of strikers in our price range that would make a difference.

3.) 19 Aug 2015 14:22:16
I didn't think their was any substance to this rumour like! Just thought I'd share anyway. Thanks Ed.

Is it the end of August the transfer window shuts? If so, how many comings and goings in your opinion do you see happening?

{Ed007's Note - The window closes on the 1st September this year. I think there will be 2 or maybe 3 players coming in but as for outgoings I think it could be anything between one and four.}

4.) 19 Aug 2015 16:06:36
Youve set MY heart on Poulsen PP. Looks the business.

5.) 19 Aug 2015 19:22:30
Ed I think RD would like it to be closer to 4 going but who wants them? We may even end up with Balde back to us?

{Ed007's Note - VVD? Stokes? Scepovic? McGeouch? And I'm still hoping someone comes in for Mulgrew or Forrest. Earlier this week I e-mailed every club in the English & Scottish Championship and League One to make sure they were aware of Forrest's contract situation and I included a 10 second highlight reel of his entire career, someone somewhere must be stupid enough to take him on!}



11 Aug 2015 10:24:24
Celtic apparently set to revive their interest in £3 million pound rated Brugge defender Brandon Mechele.

Read it in paper so probably shite. You heard anything ed?


{Ed007's Note - If we have revived our interest in Mechele then it looks like VVD is definitely away when Euro qualification is sorted out.}

1.) 11 Aug 2015 14:38:31
Not sure why we are looking at him ( I am sure we are ) but he will not be able to play in Europe this year?

2.) 11 Aug 2015 17:20:27
Ed is it not a given VVD is away either way?

{Ed007's Note - RD and PL are hoping qualifying for the CL will persuade him to stay for another year or at least until January.}

3.) 11 Aug 2015 17:56:08
I know PL would sell his granny for £15mill. Issue is this. VVD is a target for mid table teams so they are not going to lay out £20 mill for him. That is top 4 prem league money and Man U, arsenal etc ain't going to buy him. Everton will have £25 mill plus for Stone so they may be willing to throw £15 mill at him. That apart the likes of Southampton, Leicester, Swansea etc I can't see them spending £20mill on VVD. So for me he is a transfer target at around £12 mill plus sell on fee, no more.

4.) 11 Aug 2015 20:11:26
If no team is willing to pay more than 12m then we don't sell simple

5.) 11 Aug 2015 21:16:39
Brian if no one will pay more than £12 mill this year they will only pay £6mill next year then he is a free agent. We can't say we want more spent on players then just write off £12 million for VVD

6.) 11 Aug 2015 21:39:43
Totally agree, just feels a slap In face when they offer pennies of what he's worth, if he goes for 12 mill I have faith in scouting team they can produce another gem

7.) 11 Aug 2015 21:52:48
Looks like VVD is away either way, got to dig the heels in over the price, but at the end of the day he wants to go, and the board aren't going to gamble with 10/12mil worth of talent when they know he's not needed to win the league!
Take top dollar after Malmö win or lose, or take half in January?
Would love the big man to stay, best I've seen for a long long time at parkhead, but he's no fussed with this mince league!!
If Mcinnes, Jackie 'droopy chops' McNamara and Hartley aren't happy with my last comment.? Just keep greetin but it's true lol

8.) 12 Aug 2015 01:43:02
Has VVD only got 1 year left on his contract? If so he's away for sure!

{Ed007's Note - He's got another 2 years on his deal.}




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04 Aug 2016 14:53:36
Ed, is there any news on PR? Hope it's not too serious!


{Ed007's Note - There's no news yet mate.}

1.) 04 Aug 2016 16:04:07
Griffiths seemed to take a heavy knock as well when he was tackled as he was about to shoot, he carried on but I hope it's not too serious either.
I thought Dembele did really well with the penalty, it seemed an age before he was able to take it, he did really well to keep his nerve under those circumstances, a lot of experienced players would have found that situation difficult, so fair play to him.
I thought we deserved to qualify, despite the fact that Astana needed a goal on the night, Celtic were the team that was trying to win the match. I don't know anything about Astana but I expected them to be a bit more positive than they were given the first leg result, so they can't have any complaints about the outcome.



01 Sep 2015 23:56:59
So yet again Celtic miss the opportunity to buy a striker with a bit of pedigree! We need a striker who's comfortable on the ball, able to hold play up and beat a man!

Glad we signed another defender but wish we'd signed one with a bit of experience! Our team is too young to compete in Europe. I like a blend of youth and experience in each section of the field.

Hopefully cifti comes good. HH




14 Jul 2015 23:43:26
Hi Ed or anyone reading. I know this isn't a rumour but can anyone tell me what channel the Celtic game is on tomorrow?

Ed, how many signing do you think we can expect before the start of the season? Just looking for your own opinion on it.


{Ed007's Note - It's not on any TV channels mate. I think there will be another 2 possibly 3 signings before the window closes but it'll depend on any exits as well.}

1.) 15 Jul 2015 00:59:34
What you thinking Ed, Another striker , CH & cover for LB mate?

{Ed007's Note - Yeah that's what I think we'll need.}

2.) 15 Jul 2015 02:35:55
Can we basically rule out signing another winger then ed?

{Ed007's Note - I wouldn't rule anythinng out just yet, there's still about 6 weeks of the window to and a lot will depend on who leaves.}




BeardyBhoy's rumour replies


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06 Jun 2024 13:39:31
He also won the golden glove in his last full season. De Gea would be a massive step up from 95% of the names being linked to us. He’s a top class goal keeper. Every single goal keeper in world football makes howlers. Alllison, Neur, Ederson, Courtois, Donnarumma, Van Der Sar, Boruc, Forster, Cech. These guys made and still make multiple howlers every season. It happens as a goal keeper.

Dea is still very much a world class shot stopper and his ability to play out with his feet probably being the weakest part of his game but is still strong. He was best goal keeper in prem for years and you don’t just lose that. Hart was in a similar position to him before he signed and look how that turned out. De Gea also saves penalties so there’s that.

Absolute crazy to not want him to sign. He won’t sign because of the financials involved and it was literally just Peter Grant saying he’d like to see him come but still, he’d be massive for us.




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14 Aug 2023 22:45:35
Some of your really need to be patient. There is still over 2 weeks of the transfer window. We signed Jota, CCV, Oreilly and few others in the past on deadline day. Summer is always a nightmare for transfers due to players seeing if they are making the cut or not. Come back here on September 1st and if we haven’t signed anyone of note, I’ll wear nothing but my Celtic top and stroll through Govan. Have a bit of faith Bhoys and stop acting like spoilt weans. Mon the hoops ???.




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02 Aug 2023 00:13:45
Quinn, please tell me that’s a joke.




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01 Aug 2023 00:42:57
Really don’t get why everyone is getting so hyped for this guy. He had an okay World Cup. Was nowhere near that level during the nations league and has been in Croatia his whole career where no big club rates him. Barkas looked like this guy and we all know how he turned out.

Now, this guy might turn out to be good for us but to say if we don’t sign him then we lack ambition is silly. A good World Cup should mean we break the transfer record for a keeper imo.




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26 Jul 2023 20:26:23
I believe you like, it’s too random of a name for someone to make up haha! I hope it’s true ??.


{Ed007's Note - ?




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