29 Jun 2024 16:40:23
It's not often that I change my mind completely on the Celtic Board and their recruitment policy, However I have made a 360 degree take on board's policy .
I use to read that our Board were guilty of providing manager with players just capable of domestic success.
I thought that was a terrible negative opinion that no decent Celtic supporter could hold .
However whilst studying the Board's Primary responsibility, to make money for investors by increase share price and paying dividends. This has altered my thinking and I now realise that the Board have a responsibility to make sure manager and coaches are forced to push their players to the limit to get the very best out of players to be victorious domestically. It isn't fair on the players in the first team squad, if they can stroll through year and win their domestic league at ease and even a double or treble without been pushed completely.
No surer way of creating player unrest amongst players and supporters than having players who think they are too good for league they are playing in .
We can't have European standard players if they aren't pushed to limit week- in week out in their own league . It's very difficult to pick SPL level footballers to be capable of starring in Europe.

1.) 29 Jun 2024
29 Jun 2024 18:00:06
It is even more difficult if you are not prepared to pay the going rate for them.

2.) 29 Jun 2024
29 Jun 2024 18:11:55
Naw mate we won’t have European standard players if Peter Lawwell and co continue to dilly dally and don’t invest in better quality players than they have been, I honestly feel we will be done over again this time like we always do ?.

3.) 29 Jun 2024
29 Jun 2024 22:22:30
Drewzybhoy .
Maybe u should consider joining us in 2024 . YOUR MATE P. Lawwell. Is no longer able to dilly dally.

4.) 29 Jun 2024
29 Jun 2024 22:48:40
Ridiculous post. No one was complaining in '94 when Fergus and John Keane saved us. Since then we have splashed money a few times. most notably to find the MON era. We are a great club run properly. Lots of money being spent on infrastructure. I have no doubt we will spend big this window (By our/ Scottish standards) . Lawwell has to go. Not going to bore people but the man should just go!