18 May 2024 07:51:24
Wow, watched the Joe Hart interview with Gerry on Celtic TV and I have absolutely loved that man at our club and it will really sadden me to see him leave to hang up his gloves, what a guy an absolute great guy who wears his heart on his sleeve.

And for me apart from Ange aside he has been our most important signing for a long time probably our most important since Henrik, he was what we really needed at that time. Calum was a new captain and I'm sure Joe being around was massive help to him.

I'll never forget one of his first European matches can't remember which one and the guy took a very decent shot and big Joe dived down to his side and saved it and pushed it out for a corner, there was a massive pause from the support and then everyone started celebrating like we had scored a goal.

It was mental because it was like we all actually felt that we had a very decent keeper, the first for a good while. When I think back about that it makes me laugh, it was hilarious.

A proper gent of a man, It has been a pleasure watching him become one of the bhoys and I really hope he can help to deliver a double for us before he goes on his merry way.

1.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 08:25:42
He came in at a time we needed a character, a leader and a voice. And what words he has here:

"I don't (want to sell the club) , I'm very protective over that. I don't want to sell this place, I don't have to. Because you don't have to. You either want to come and experience it and feel it, and realise why people say the things they do, or if you don't, that's fine. Live your own life, do your own thing, have your own feelings. I don't even think I could do it justice, I think the smile on my face when the place gets mentioned, I'll light up. The smile on my family's face.

"I've got a close-knit family and friends group who have been everywhere with me in football, experienced everything I have and every single one of them that's come up here has had their head blown off! I'm grateful and proud of that but I don't think you need to fight for people to understand who don't. It's for people to come and experience, it's a feeling, not words, not examples. And you either feel it or you don't. "

Nailed it, Joe.

2.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 10:43:33
Just got to see Joe interacting with his opposite number—whether at Ross County or Real Madrid—to see how much he is respected in the game. You can’t quantify that, and you can’t replace it. What a guy.

3.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 10:46:18
Henke the part he said when he said about the smile on my face will say it all totally reminded me of the Ange interview from yesterday or day before or whenever it was when the guy mentioned about Celtic winning the league and it reminding himself of all the things he no longer has at the club he is at, the smile on Ange's face when talking about all the stuff about Celtic he quite obviously misses.

4.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 11:07:19
He came in after Barkas, and we were surprised that we had a goalie that could actually make a save, vastly overrated as a goalkeeper, but a good character for the team, I hope his replacement is able to handle European football level, which was a level just a bit above Joe's present day capabilities.

5.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 11:43:28
Aindoh I'd agree he's done at the top, top level. But overrated I'm not sure. That's subjective anyway. We're able to go out and replace him as a goalkeeper, but replacing him as a figure - we'll do well to. Being a winner isn't always about your physical abilities, it's about the man.

royjac, when he talks about it as a feeling, not words or examples, he get's it.

6.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 11:54:41
Deffo bud ??????????.