17 May 2024 06:12:40
With Joe hart about to retire, I think we will all agree that he has been a great signing for us.

The big man has helped deliver 3 league titles, 1 treble and hopefully 2 doubles, in 3 years. ?

He seems to be well loved and respected by his team mates. He has been a great organiser on the pitch and pulled off some cracking saves. I am sure we will miss him when he moves on.

Just wanted to wish the big man good luck in the future and let him know he will be well received by all the Celtic fans in the future. ??.

1.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 08:23:50
Anyone think the big man should tap up his pal Jack? They are strapped for cash, he is allegedly unsettled and wants to play at a higher level. Id ask the question.

2.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 09:37:56
Would be worth doing just to see their rage.

You can just imagine their reaction when they read butlands quote that he wanted to move to a club where they win trophies. ?.

3.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 10:58:08
I would have took the risk on butland when he was a free agent but not now. Decent keeper but he's cost a good few goals in the games against us this season.

4.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 13:15:20
It didn't bother me when they signed him even though he has made several saves against Celtic as most 'keepers in the SPL have their best games against us. Butland has apparently saved them on occasion but doesn't seem to have the ball control and distribution of Big Joe either IMO.