15 Apr 2024 18:02:38
So, regardless of how this season pans out (league and cup double) , has Celtic fc finally had enough of this rubbish from the SFA, VAR and the bent referee association? Is the club going to make enough of a rubbishstorm to force some real change? Can we get some real changes? Or will it just be a rerun of the same crap from the start of next season? Our club has been far too passive for far too long. Making a stand is way too long overdue.
What could we realistically achieve in terms of getting a level playing field?
{Ed007's Note - Firstly either the competence & transparency of VAR is improved or it is scrapped altogether, make it that referees etc have to register who they support and any connections/associations they have with clubs, like Walsh being a PE teacher at the school the TRIFC youngsters attend - in England referees need to fill in a form that that includes who they support, the history of if they've played the game, any business connections to clubs and with the addresses where they are residing.
Ideally for me UEFA should take over the refereeing across it's leagues where refereeing teams travel around Europe to take charge of games, Scottish refs go to say Austria and their refs come over here, the following week it might be Poland, then Romania the next and so on but I can't see that happening so we need to take the power away from Hampden & the Lanarkshire Referee Association and follow the PGMOL model used in England.}
1.) 15 Apr 2024
15 Apr 2024 18:42:36
But do our leaders have the balls to make anything happen? Still can’t work out if the Rodger’s thing was a victory for us or an attempt at all round appeasement before they hit us with Beaton. Just for once I’d like to know up front and central that our board are fighting our corner.
2.) 15 Apr 2024
15 Apr 2024 18:58:42
I think it is time for Celtic to move on! don't know where to though but anywhere will be better than this! There is never ever going to be a level playing field for them in Scotland! The best way to get the SFA to take action is take away their biggest game / rivalry! Sky will not be interested if there is no Celtic v Sevco game and the money will disappear totally! Remember how they were desperate to get sevco into the premier league and how they predicted Scottish football would collapse without them?
I know this is a stupid idea but nothing is ever going to change, well maybe a 3rd team pretending to be Rangers will be a good laugh to start with.
3.) 15 Apr 2024
15 Apr 2024 19:55:17
Hi ED - I think Scotland is the only country in Europe where the refs don't reveal who the support, that says it all really.
In regards to VAR, all the clubs need to say is that unless VAR is improved and people who are not biased are running it then they will pull there support and money from it.
It is the clubs that pay for it after all, also why aren't the SFA forward thinking enough and say get a sponser for VAR. It might allow them to get a better version of it.
{Ed007's Note - And Celtic pay the most money towards it!}
4.) 15 Apr 2024
15 Apr 2024 20:01:50
I certainly agree eith the vetting of refs Ed, the issue I've thought of before though is - how many support either Celtic or Rangers, like the rest of the football supporting element of a small population, would it not be quite a high number? What would that leave us with? Which brings in that great idea of UEFA appointing refs. Why couldn't you see that happening?
{Ed007's Note - It's a closed shop though, until referees from places like Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth etc with no skin in the Glasgow game get a chance over the LRA we'll never know how it would work out.
How many of our refs aren't from the Central Belt? I can only think of one(?) and he's a scumbag Tory b@stard!}
5.) 16 Apr 2024
15 Apr 2024 21:20:40
Don’t hold back Ed, tell us what you really think ?.
{Ed007's Note - ??