20 May 2024 09:39:01
Ive been playing a bit of football manager lately so forgive me. Only a bit of banter but Id love this for a starting 11 for next season

arnauMartinez ccv daraOshea RSessegnon
RiquiPuig Ndidi Oriley
DeleAlli Maeda

Kelleher on loan
Arnau Martinez 15m
Dara Oshea 10m
Ryan Sessegnon loan
Riqui Puig 15m
Ndidi Free
Dele Alli free
Mikautadze 10m

Also sign Idah, Lennon miller and a back up keeper with experience, move on the 15 or so surplus to requirements which should bring in 30+m and free up wages.
That's about 60m on incomings and with the money from moving players on it shouldn't be a huge outlay.
Sessegnon and Alli would be a gamble with their injuries etc but if we could get them back fit and near their best then it would be worth the gamble especially if they cost nothing.
Will rattle a few cages but no place for calmac, great servant but if we are serious about competing in Europe we need better with all do respect.
Id also do my damnedest to persuade oriley to stay for another year. He will only get better and with his contract situation we could easily get the same next summer or even more if he has another good season.
That's good pedigree there with good experience in it. The type of players that are a level or 2 above what we have and no projects.

Thanks for the read.

1.) 20 May 2024
20 May 2024 12:40:48
Ryan segguson and fraser Foster being released by Tottenham mate. I've sung so many hours in to football manager mate I think I'm probably good enough to get The rangers to 4thnext season. Even though I wouldn't would be funny seeing Jack butland up front with 1 of his legs tied to Todd can dive wells pony tail.