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03 Feb 2025 17:16:26
Apparently we have made a offer for Jeffrey schlupp on loan.




03 Feb 2025 17:16:16
Apparently we have made a offer for Jeffrey schlupp on loan.


1.) 03 Feb 2025 17:22:40
Heard we've offered 20 quid towards his 60k a week wages.

2.) 03 Feb 2025 17:25:02
Sly say it close he's a good player but a winger.



22 Aug 2021 09:25:35
Love the fact that the Scottish media spend so much time being caught up with Celtic, they focus on negativety and wishful thinking that we can't and should not be the #1 team in Scotland. Credit to Ange and the team they have certainly put a smile on my face and the positive attitude of the whole team makes me proud to be a Celtic supporter. Ed keep up the great work and thanks to you for your balanced approach and reaction. COYBIG.


{Ed007's Note - Thanks mate.}

1.) 23 Aug 2021 09:09:31
I am always amazed the Sevconian press can type anything, with their heads stuck up Gerrards arse so far. Even today, Kieth waxing lovingly about how great he was and how determined as a player, and oh shucks, It must be love. Feckin nauseating. Yet every time they talk about us, they always include negativity. They all hoped Ange would crush and burn nd their temperature would have a free run for the league and the CL money next year. They have watched their team crash out of the CL, on a knife-edge against a pub team from wherever they are from in the EL and have looked dog sh. yet Slippy still gets this adoration. let's see how long it takes for them to question him if we do the this year? No doubt they will blame something else, probably us for buying good players. I rather enjoy it, because it shows how much they are bottling it. My big mate who texted me, the gift that just keeps giving, when Ange was appointed has gone rather quiet lately, the big fanny's arse is going like a rabbits nostrils. And he ain't alone in the grey skull camp. Long may it continue.

2.) 23 Aug 2021 12:08:56
Maybe this Is to create a few headlines that tries to divert the attention from the sevco fans that were making comments regarding Kyogo Furahashi yesterday.

3.) 24 Aug 2021 17:53:11
Why do yous read the scotish media I gave up on it years ago? HH.




Jamie67's banter posts with other poster's replies to Jamie67's banter posts


27 Jun 2024 07:40:45
Got to say Fantasy footy for Euros is a great distraction from the lack of transfer action. Ed just a thought is this something we could do for the English premiership say £10 a head and depending on how much interest we could offer some if the pot to a Charity if your choice?


{Ed007's Note - I'm bloody hopeless at it ?? but sure if enough people are into it I'll try and sort it out.}



19 Apr 2024 13:45:58
Ed or any one can you tell me what the process is regarding the incidents at Ibrox and the continued targeting of our players and staff, there seems to be nothing to report at all and even less coverage by all media. Are recent events being investigated by the SFA? If not why not? Surely the behaviour and the speed of sanctions against DFC should be investigated or least challenged by our board, I know some will say our board turn a blind eye etc etc but surely something needs done. Celtic 3nil winners tomorrow. Have a great weekend.


{Ed007's Note - I'll be honest with you, Jamie I have no idea if there is any investigation by footballing authorities or the police over the numerous incidents at the recent derby, I doubt it right enough because they haven't bothered their backsides about it before.}

1.) 19 Apr 2024 17:38:58
The football authoritIes in Scotland and the Scottish police have far too close and unhealthy relationships with Rangers2012 . It’s only a few yrs ago when the criminal Dave King was Chairman of Rangers, not only was the convicted Tax fraud criminal wrongly accepted by SFA as a fit and capable person to be Chairman of club but he was invited to call in for a cup of tea anytime he was in the area. We haven’t heard any other Chairmen of SPL club having such an informal invitation . I very much doubt if the Police persons involved policing Ibrox Park see or hear anything wrong . They see/ hear no wrong from their neighbours and friends . It has always been widely felt that Officers in SfA and both Rangers clubs come from a small group within Scottish Society . Neither the Officers of SFa nor Scottish police will ever try to bring any charges against anyone Associated with Rangers football clubs, they can’t bring themselves to do so.

2.) 20 Apr 2024 01:37:51
They also used tax payers money to bring a false case against Craig Whyte and duff and Phelps, so they could hold someone accountable for the actions of David Murray.



13 Dec 2023 22:27:13
Will take that, yes we are not at our best! Yes we need additional players ( quality not projects) and yes the Board need to support the manager and fans! But for me it's a win and hopefully give all a boost and shut the biast Scottish media up! On a final note before bed, our manager set a goal to improve in Europe, we just did! Keep the faith.


{Ed007's Note - Jamie I'll catch up with you tomorrow, I've a few family things on the last couple of days ?



12 Dec 2023 00:10:35

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{Ed007's Note - Hi, Jamie. You can get in touch with me at ed007@live.co.uk ?



11 Dec 2023 13:26:28
Hi Ed, just wondering if anyone can answer the following. What is the total cost current playing squad including the players that are surplus or injured or that we have forgotten about. The fees included in purchase and wages versus time played this would give a very accurate update on how much money the current Board have wasted, thanks as always.


1.) 11 Dec 2023 13:58:05
Jamie 67, that a good question and no doubt if we could get an accurate answer, then it would certainly be a rod to use against the Board . If the figure was surpisingly low, then the person Tory Board is robbing us of funds .
If the figure is as expected high then the Board doesn’t care how money is spent .
Personally I don’t think the wastage if there is any is down solely to Board . The recruitment team and Managers have played their part .
How do we know if we have wastage, our wastage Is exceptional or normal .
Man Utd would be the best at wasting money that I know . More important I would like to see wastage at 3/ 4 Championship and English League . That may give a fair reflection on other clubs .
Jamie this may not be a good time to query Board expenditure, as we want Board to open purse and spend freely in January.

2.) 11 Dec 2023 14:31:43
Thanks Celtic Calling, I know we need to strengthen but really feel strongly about the waste. I worked at a Company were part of my role was to work with the financial department and P&Ls Globally I would imaging the waste here is covered up with some clever accounting, we are the main contributers and deserve better transparency. Hopefully Buzz can enlighten us with a ballpark figure. Thanks for your reply.

3.) 11 Dec 2023 20:15:24
Jamie, it’s a bit anti Christian to regard players who don’t fulfil. their potential as waste in the same way as a butcher regards bones and skin.

4.) 11 Dec 2023 22:52:24
We are not aggressive in both boxes and lack physicality all over the park.

5.) 12 Dec 2023 17:01:10
Active 8 Unfortunately our referees and VAR are not very tolerant with Celtic players showing aggression in either box.




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05 Jan 2025 23:48:40
There are a lot of different opinions of late, so here is mine! Top of the league and a cup in the bag. Who comes who goes is all speculation, let's enjoy the winning feelings. I came through a time when we suffered to a cheating team, is it that bad, NO! EDD Thanks as always.




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02 Jan 2025 17:43:09
Nothing to take from that game in terms of plusess and most have made the points I would probably made. This will make us better. The transfers will now be ramped up and needed to be honest. I hope that action will be taken against them for our player being struck with a missile, not the first time and won't be the last.




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22 Dec 2024 14:28:41
Not great today but as said previously we can't win them all. Edd and all have a fantastic Christmas thanks as always for great work. Hail Hail ??.


{Ed007's Note - The same to you Jamie, Merry Christmas ?



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07 Apr 2024 14:47:36
Drew agreed, can't believe Lennon said ref had a good game!




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07 Apr 2024 14:47:36
Drew agreed, can't believe Lennon said red had a good game!




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