Rangers CEO Patrick Stewart Needs More Time

12 Jan 2025 07:39:42
{Ed's Note - Sunshine supporter FC has posted a new article entitled, Rangers CEO Patrick Stewart Needs More Time

1.) 12 Jan 2025
12 Jan 2025 10:28:29
“The relegation years” really ?‍♂️
“The mid 1980s golden era” when Rangers hadn’t won the league for 9 years?‍♂️

There won’t be many Sunshine Supporters at Ibrox today especially when they “do walking away” on the 55th minute.

2.) 12 Jan 2025
12 Jan 2025 11:18:12
The Relegation Years, You Say? ?

Let me refresh your memory: in 2012, Rangers were removed from the SPFL after the rejection of their CVA, which led to the liquidation process beginning. This occurred on June 14, 2012. (Google "Rangers CVA rejected" if you need more details. )

On that very day, Sevco Scotland purchased the assets of the oldco Rangers. At this point, there was no team called Rangers in any league in Scotland, as the new company had no official league status.

On July 4, 2012, the newco Rangers applied to join the SPFL, but their application was rejected. Still no Rangers in any league.

On July 13, 2012, newco Rangers applied to join the First Division, which was rejected. They then applied to the Second Division, but again, they were rejected. Finally, on the same day, they applied to join the Third Division and were accepted. However, they couldn't actually join at that point, as they didn’t have SFA membership.

It wasn't until July 29, 2012, when newco Rangers played their first match against Brechin City in the cup, that they received conditional SFA membership. That's right—the SFA created a new type of membership to facilitate this. On that day, two clubs called Rangers existed: one in the process of liquidation, with 115 trophies and 140 years of history, and the other with no history, no trophies, and no SFA membership. Yet, there was still no team called Rangers in any league in Scotland.

On August 3, 2012, the infamous five-way agreement was signed. This agreement involved oldco and newco Rangers, the SFA, the SPFL, and the SPL. The deal allowed newco Rangers to inherit the SFA membership from oldco, in exchange for agreeing to pay off oldco’s footballing debt and accept any penalties arising from the Lord Nimmo Smith review.

Once newco Rangers obtained the SFA membership, they were granted entry to the Third Division. However, we were told that this membership came with 115 trophies and 140 years of history. So, a club with no history or trophies on July 29 managed to gain 140 years of history and 115 trophies in just five days.

The bottom line is that you were never relegated. You lost your place because of liquidation. The new club had to apply to join a league, and they needed a questionable, secret five-way agreement to "phoenix" from the old club’s ashes.

P. S. Why don't you enlighten us on which rule allows Rangers to be relegated from the SPFL to the Third Division? If there’s no such rule, why wasn’t there a legal challenge from newco Rangers? And why did the SFA membership and oldco Rangers' debt require a secret five-way agreement to transfer to newco Rangers, if they were the same club? When Fergus McCann bought Celtic and David Murray bought Rangers, they didn’t need a secret agreement to get the membership, because the company and the club were considered one and the same.

3.) 12 Jan 2025
12 Jan 2025 14:37:45
Weejoe, great post mate!