11 Nov 2024 14:31:34
Celtic disrupting the minutes silence is nothing new. Celtic being condemned in rags like the daily record and daily mail for the same action is also nothing new.

What strikes me each year is the bias in the reporting. Not once do they try to give a balanced report and ask why are Celtic fans disrupting the minute silence?

Obviously we have valid reasons for doing it and if they did ask it would create an uncomfortable truth and destroy their narrative.

I will end by saying why should Celtic fans pay their respects to soldiers who have carried out atrocities in Ireland, in the UK and all over the world?

If other people want to honour that, then I have no issue with it, but don't expect everyone to gloss over what some of these soldiers have done to innocent people.

1.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 15:11:40
I really don't have time for all this. If some fans I would say minority want to protest that's up to them. But I think some people tend to forget IF GOING down this road A LOT of Catholics lost their lives during wars fighting for the British army, A lot of Catholics lost limbs or badly injured in those wars also Do they not deserve respect? Rememberance Sunday is not just for British soldiers its for ALL people that have lost their lives or loved ones in ALL conflicts. I will not say anymore about this slate me all you want.

{Ed007's Note - What's being a Catholic got to do with any of this, are you saying it's only Catholics that aren't entirely comfortable with the atrocities carried out by the British Army across the world? That's a very strange take.}

2.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 15:57:36
Every year it's the same "those awful Celtic fans not respecting the minute's silence" etc
Most Celtic fans have their own reasons
Mine are my family, and others, in Ireland suffered under the AWFUL (right word) Black and Tans, just for being Irish
Come now to recent times and people use the Poppy to promote their views only, in football their is NO CHOICE every team MUST wear a poppy on their shirts.
Then their is the charade and hypocrosy of the Sevconians and their all singing dancing serving soldiers leaping from roofs
Finally REPUBLICANISM is NOT a dirty word (although Trump has done a good job with HIS version)
We have our views which the poppy pushers refuse to acknowledge
I DID NOT agree with the minutes silence being disrupted as I lost my grandfather during WW2 as he was killed on HMS Hood, so it is complex how I and others like me feel.
We WANT to respect the many men who fought and died for their country, but WE do not get respect or understanding back.

3.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 16:05:15
The people behind the poppy have made it clear that they do not want it forced on people to wear them and show respect for the fallen, they state that it should be a personal choice and everyone should be allowed to support in their own way or not support, for their own personal reasons.

Unfortunately certain media outlets cannot wait for this day to have a go at our fans for not respecting something they think we should or they try and force us to believe in.

We have a tifo that clearly demonstrated our views and beliefs, maybe that in itself should have been enough without the booing but again it is a personal choice on how you want to protest.

Maybe it is time for Scottish football to understand we are all different, we have different beliefs and it is time to stop trying to force everyone to wear a poppy and celebrate what they believe we should all celebrate.

In any other part of our lives we are supported to be individual, differences are celebrated but for some reason it is believed by those who run Scottish football this day is different.

4.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 16:32:09
Maybe compromise by wearing a white poppy on our shirts and a banner respecting the victims of all Wars.

Taking away the obsession of Armed Forces and their Bloody Poppies.
That would probably annoy the haters more.

5.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 16:44:46
Whether it's poppies or remembrance, Republican anthems, pyros, or Palestinian flags; Celtic are an easy target for detractors and hypocrites who choose to mislead and deflect away from the truth and bigoted corruption that has been rife in Scottish football for well over a century, Ignoring - nay encouraging - broadcasting offensive sectarianism and covering up the shameful debacle regarding of the liquidation of Rangers in 2012.

6.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 16:47:25
Why would I slate you? I respect your right to show respect and you should respect our right to show disrespect.

7.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 16:59:40
I wrote to Celtic with that suggestion buzz. Needlessly to say I did not get a response.

8.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 20:58:41
THEY say poppies and minutes silence is “personal choice”, yet they expect/ insist 60,000 people in a footballl stadium to do just that… what a contradiction! … if you feel the need to do a minutes silence then attend the Remembrance Day events designed to honour the war dead… simple really .
Plus it is fair to say the poppy has been hijacked by the unionist bigots who have agendas… the bigot next door to me has one on the front of his car all year round!

9.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 21:52:50
Coming from Derry ill obviously have a very staunch view on this. Im sure the vast majority of commonwealth service men and woman that died did so doing what they felt was right, many of which would have been given no choice especially both world wars.
But as the poppy symbol includes service men that brought their brutality to my streets i like many others will never run with their narritive.
Being born in 88 i was lucky enough to have missed the worst of the troubles but have very bad experiences with their army as a kid.
One example was my old man getting a bollocking from a soldier with a long arm stopping us on the way to school one morning for letting me sit in the front seat of the car while my older brother was in the back. Big bully with his rifle, ill never forget the d*ckhead and how he tried belittling my old man. Going to school with them walking in lines 50yrds apart with their rifles pointed downward will live with me forever and for all the wrong reasons.

10.) 11 Nov 2024
11 Nov 2024 22:39:26
They say the poppy represents the armed forces that fought in all wars that fought for our freedom.
Where is the freedom in a divisive symbol being expected to be worn by those who choose not to. The irony of it.
Im actually fed up with it being brought up every year and unfortunatly it will be the same every year.
As for Rodgers wearing it, fair enough that's his choice but i get the feeling the reason he wears it is because it keeps all the right people happy in england where he will obviously have ambitions of working there again.
Im certain rodgers would never wear it if he wasnt on tv.