31 Oct 2019 12:08:29
thought big jack Bauer was solid last night.
we Jamesy was virtually man marked every time Jack Bauer got the ball, we still managed to break them down lennys tactic so far joy to watch.
big game sat
my defence would be,
NOW that's A BENCH maybe this is what lenny wants.
1.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 15:02:54
Shows you how people view the games. Thought Bauer was average at best, poor distribution of the ball. Would start young Frimpong on Hampdens big pitch. Let him loose on a poor defence. All opinions.
2.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 15:29:30
All about opinions and how you play the game yourself, thought he was solid jamesy was man marked so that means Bauer cuts left every time, few great crosses i thought Broony demanded the ball every time Bauer got the ball. lennys trying to create left backs to a left winger, to a crosser of the ball, to a goal scorer, a player needs to be able to do it all, he will learn, he needs to learn.
young greg T last night got caught out of position quite a lot as his new roll, but the same as for him attacking defender. but imo an Italiano style where defenders defend as stmirren are gd at quick attack on the break, it nearly worked fot them through ajer and jullienne.
agreed about Frimpong great young player but the tough games like livi, stmiren sevco its BAUER for me,
3.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 16:10:27
Was going to mention Bauer in my post, here is my take on him.
Last night he never ONCE took his man on too many times he plays it straight back to Brown. Frimpong on other hand eliminates players.
When your playing a ST. Mirren for eg we know we playing up against 2 banks and bodies everywhere.
So best way to break it down is to eliminate players and create space for Jamesy etc.
He was only prepared to cross it into a crowded box, now that's fine if u play that way but we don't with Eddy up front.
I know Lennon wants more crosses in but I don't think he means crosses into a crowded box with only 1 or 2 Celtic players there.
Think he means early crosses where defenders facing own goal.
So IMHO he is now clearly 3rd choice and Frimpong is a much better player, in fact for me Frimpong is infectious and makes the team better with his enthusiasm and joy.
We have all seen games where all it needed was a tackle to bring the game to life and other players start getting stuck in, well Frimpong brings that in ability and pace.
Other players see it and join in and do the same which makes the team tick and spurs us on to better things.
The boy is a joy to watch.
4.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 17:04:12
great debate lads.
it was a strange one last night especially our right wing st mirren hounded in packs there because of jamesy Bauer crossing the ball agreed but the forwards need to get there quicker,
Bauer will play in physical games i think
frimpong yep agree with everything you said celtic have a few boys like that dembelle as well. he's young hungry and keen he was everywhere that won't work with better attacking more powerful teams.
lenny seems tactically astute so far and long may that continue,
another strong powerfull performance for Saturday i can't wait.
5.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 17:40:08
Would play el hamed at right back on Saturday if he's fit. Think he's our best fullback.
6.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 18:00:22
A lot of discussion about playing either Frimpong or Bauer but for me Elhamed has been our signing of the summer. Excellent defender big, strong, quick. Good going forward and good in defiance. He’s the number 1 right back for me.
7.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 19:52:46
Bauer doesn't cut it for me. gave away needless fouls last night crosses into the box where hit and hopes to forwards that rarely score with the head for us. He surely watches how we play u don't see much of our full backs whipping crosses i to the box as frequent as he does. seems if he gets to the final third and hasn't a clue what to do with the ball. don't think he suits our style.
8.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 20:08:42
Bauer is mince has shown nothing in his play other than he’s rash he can’t tackle pass or cross. we've wins watch with Frimpong cos he wasn’t meant to be in the frame. Bauer makes me wince when the ball goes past him his 1st reaction is take the man sorry just not good enough.
9.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 20:43:10
Bauer mince your talking panties.
it was about the harder and more physical of games im talking about
bouer before frimpong, keep up man,
elhamed is great there my first choice right back, but lenny says he's central defence is a natural for him.
after that we have bauer frimpong but for physical games i prefer bauer then less physical frimpong,
10.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 20:57:03
We're looking for a strong 11 fitnessguruandy, not a strong bench.
Let wee frimpong loose, we guys been outstanding and what a buzz he would get running out at the national stadium in a cup semi-final.
11.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 21:14:32
no im wanting a strong bench and an even stronger 11, keep up.
let frimpong loose he's a young lad new and raw, patience and guidance is that not key here, celtic have learned from the past rushing young players to soon backfires and we get burned,
12.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 21:28:34
1 Elhamtim. Very good defensively
2 Wee Frimpong. Raw and exciting going forward. Not seen enough of him defensively but looking good
3 Jack Bauer.
{Ed007's Note - So let's look at this, Frimpong is just like Bolingoli who people say isn't good enough defensively but good going forward and Bauer's no good because he isn't good going forward but is probably the best actual defender out of the three, is that where we're at?}
13.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 21:54:17
All opinions but Bauer isn't better defensively that Elhamtim. Bolingoli never takes a player on, couldn't lace Frimpong laces.
Celtic is built on attacking full backs. We all love to see them bomb forward. Well I do.
{Ed007's Note - And good teams are built on a solid defence as our summer recruitment has shown. Where would Lustig fit in now because I seem to remember people going ape-$hit because he had lost his pace and it affected him tracking back - there were never any complaints about him, or Ralston for that matter, going forward - which in your opinion us what Celtic are built on?
People make up their mind about a player and that's it then they'll just tailor their argument to suit that opinion. To suggest an 18-year old Frimpong who has basically played 3 games in his career is better than Bolingoli is as cute as it is ridiculous.}
14.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 21:55:21
@ Agreed DRA
@ED YES i think i had a few debates {fights} going :}
and the debates have merged Together and mixed up, my fault cheers for steeping in/
natural defender tough and solid like BAUER AND TAYLOR which i like BTW
The lads are all expected to do the defending attacking crossing scoring etc that's a lot but depending on who we play will depend on the type of defender needed, as lenny says and a few others have Elhamed is even better in the centre back.
think i was drowning there ED to many posts i wanted to talk about }}}}.
{Ed007's Note - Look at the moaning last year when it was Lustig and Izzy as full-backs to what we have now and fans are STILL moaning. The actual art of defending with FBs has become extinct imo, you watch most of the 'big' teams now and their full-backs can't really defend - maybe the games moved on but still I want my defenders to defend first, that's what I judge defenders on and anything after that is a bonus.
Next we'll be slating Julien because he can't carry the ball forward like Ajer.}
15.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 22:14:20
El hamed from what I’ve seen is the far superior defender seem to remember posting my 1st thought on him compared to Bolingoli was that he knew his positions. I just watch Bauer and every time he’s beat he looks to foul so for all his experience he’s not for me.
{Ed007's Note - I'd have Elhamed at RB every day of the week.}
16.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 22:38:55
Thanks ed
I just think there is nothing wrong in defending and clean passing.
Some times it's gd to keep it basic I don't want Taylor frimpong Bauer etc to run up and down defence few great runs now and then wee Tierney got caught out a few times in Europe as the center defender never doubled back to help not mainly his fault but it actually becomes predictable and gd teams have hammered us in the past. .
Everytime a defender does his run someone should instantly cover his position protect the counter attack. As for frimpong ye great we guy loves his footy etc etc but not been around a bit yet hope he comes a huge success tho. But as experienced defender know it gets tough out there especially in Europe where teams will come at you and experienced managers will exploit this. Thanks for your input ED 😛.
17.) 31 Oct 2019
31 Oct 2019 22:55:30
celtic have never been built on attacking fullbacks,
defend, well control the middle score goals but don't lose a goal.
if someone is out of position a player must cover.
it used to be if you went out of your position the captain gave you hell.
18.) 01 Nov 2019
01 Nov 2019 07:09:07
Tripe Celtic have always had overlapping full backs. From the lions, to the quality street kids, Chris Morris in Centenary year, Jackie McNamara stopping ten. Agathe tearing it up in Amsterdam. The list is endless. Full backs have always attacked. HH
100% agree on the art of defending. It's a dying trade RB, LB jobs is defender. If they can create as well perfect but defensively must be solid. HH.
19.) 01 Nov 2019
01 Nov 2019 12:14:39
i like full backs that like to stop crosses going into our box as well as the other stuff you expect from a full back. the cahnpions league under rodgers was hard to watch when nearly every cross that went into the box there was a goal. PSG at home was probably the worst.
20.) 01 Nov 2019
01 Nov 2019 13:41:52
Personally i think Bauer struggled on Wednesday think he ran out of ideas as he's not used to teams sitting in the way st mirren did think his game is more suited to when teams have a go at us and opens the play up a bit.
21.) 01 Nov 2019
01 Nov 2019 18:21:45
The physical side I totally agree.