29 Nov 2013 16:23:17
The Green Brigade has a special ability to create controversy, of that there is no doubt. They do the singing/chanting/noise bit very well and they can create a fantastic atmosphere for everyone who attends matches. However it appears that a part of their package is the other stuff that a lot of people (and the club, and UEFA etc.) don't like and it is unlikely to change. After all, they wouldn't be "ultras" if they sang pretty wee songs all the time!
My question is: Is there any reason why another section of the ground can't create as much noise and bring some excitement to home games without the so-called negative aspect that seems to happen with the GB from time to time? My impression is that there are a lot more people who support them than oppose them so until another group has an alternative idea it looks like they're going to stay exactly as they are. unless the club ban them, of course.

Your thoughts?

Hail Hail
ChrisBhoy {Ed007's Note - Sorry for the cut n paste Chris but I answered this on another thread late last night:

If these people moaning about the GB were helping to produce an atmosphere rather than sit there waiting to be 'entertained' while they eat their half time chips or waiting on the game to start are partly to blame for this problem arising. All this BS about 'Oh what a display by the GB today', I thought people went to watch the football and cheer on the team on the park, not sit and watch the game as the GB play in the background like some background music.
I think it is actually embarrassing that we need this 'singing section' at all. Man Utd, the biggest football club in the world are taking dogs abuse from smaller clubs fans because they are introducing a singing section, I think it says a lot more about the people that go to matches these days. Then we have the celebrity and part-timers who turn up for a big game just so they can brag in the office they were at the CL match, they got complimentary tickets but that will be it for the season for them.
Football is not the social occasion it once was, that is the sad truth in it all.
Celtic Park should be a 60,000 singing section EVERY game.}

1.) 29 Nov 2013
I hadn't seen this post Ed. Thanks for that. I totally agree with it too.
There's no point grumbling about the GB if those who complain are not prepared to do something about it, is there? Part of their appeal is the fact that they do create a very enjoyable atmosphere even with their controversial banners. In an ideal world they would continue in exactly the same vein but with the banners changed to football matters. I'm not saying I disagree with their topics of protest but they do know that the club doesn't like it, yet they still do it.

Hail Hail

2.) 29 Nov 2013
Hi chris, ed I must admit I myself look around my self and wait for the singing to start.I also look round, as I sit in front of the green brigade to see the banners or the antics and that is as much a part of match day as thr game its self. I'm one to start a song myself which is often joined by a few around me but usually peters out very quickly and I'm left chanting a few lines myself before I fade away and mumble then sit down.The atmosphere is very flat and often embarrasing if not boring at times And I would love it to return not just on c.l nights. I think most turn up out loyalty but the passion and THUNDER is all but gone and needs adressing. So thank god the g.b are here they have their faults but imagine what it be like without them HH Thommyj {Ed007's Note - A few years ago we were playing a LC match against some lower league team (Stirling Albion??). Me and a few mates decided to get a batch of tickets all sitting together. The place was like a morgue until one of the opposition players went right through one of ours and one of my mates got up giving him heavy dogs abuse. Without a word of a lie a guy in the row in front of us asked him to keep it down as he was using the phone. I was speechless but a few of my mates weren't. We sat like a wee group of lunatics, up dancing and singing all game just to pi$$ that joker off.
Even on Tw@tter how can anyone be watching/following the game yet tweet everything that happens. There is an official account to do that, every match you end up with 200 commentators on your TL. I'm in one of my ranting crabbit/moaning moods by the sounds of it. Apologises in advance to everyone :)

3.) 29 Nov 2013
Agree but "Controversial" is for me a bit harsh, ., .kbarry

4.) 29 Nov 2013
29 Nov 2013 18:35:24
Totally agree with you ed. I was over for a few home games this season and I have to say although the team doesn't give much to shout about (apart from frustration) there was no atmosphere whatsoever. there was more atmosphere on the bus and the boat but fans really need to step up and support the team properly

also what you were saying about the boy on the phone ed the same thing happened me at start of this season where a group of us were shouting chanting and what not and about 5 people told us not to be shouting in there ears (excuse me if i'm wrong but what are people like that doing at the match then if you can't have people singing behind you?)

5.) 29 Nov 2013
Rant away 007 some of your best insights come when your in this mood. Ed without a word of a lie I now guys who openly admit to only going these days to get away fae household chores set out by the enemy indoors I go because I luv it but a dispair at the way it's become I even have to regail tales of old to my kids to keep them intrested because there getting bored and with winter apon us I can't see them wanting to go especially if the g.b's wings are clip because even though they don't fully understand their meaning at times they love the passion they bring HH Thommyj {Ed007's Note - I know a couple of guys that have used a match as an excuse to body-swerve painting the living room. I've not being going regularly for 2/3 seasons now but even before that me and my mates were spending more and more time in the LRT than in the stadium.
It must be a nightmare at times trying to keep kids interested in the match these days, there's nothing in the football to excite the fans, and that's where kids get it from. They see their dad celebrate a goal, applauding some nice play and hear him give opposition players/fans abuse, then as they grow older they appreciate the game and realise why their dad acted the way he did and they start to respond in the same way. Trying to make a boring game of football on a freezing Tuesday night appealing to youngsters must be a task and a half, I don't envy you that.}

6.) 29 Nov 2013
Yeah mate so true, but some times kids bring entertainment all of their own, for example my sons first game, can't rememeber who againsts it was a cup game, anyway after a long mazy run adian smashes a drive into the net and the crowd goes wild, ten mins later my boy, who was about five stands on his seat and starts to chant" Lamborghinia Lamborghinia" I stood pussled and asked him why, because as most kids he's mad on topgear and he just looks back and says phftt dad the guy that just scored the goal, well for me that's a story that will be told in pubs all over europe for years to come
HHThommyj {Ed007's Note - Hahaha That's a good one.}

7.) 29 Nov 2013
In the old Celtic Park, there were always those who generated atmosphere, by leafding the singing. At that time people could stand where they liked, and the singers congregated in the Jungle. Those days have gone, and now the 'singers' are scattered throughout the ground. This is where a group such as the Green Brigade have a valuable function. The issue has been touched on by others.Their beliefs are shared by many of us, but nowadays Celtic Park is not the place to air them. A final word. How on earth did the group manage to enter the ground without stewards or police seeing the banner{s]

8.) 29 Nov 2013
Cheers ed wasn't sure that would come across in txt, most of my best moments in recent years revolve around the kids. Like my daughters first game was dundee utd at home, last game of the season.I'd swapped seats so I could get two the gither to take the wean, she's four blonde pig tails and cute as a button. It's the season larsson broke his leg, well the wean spent the match pointing and tellin everyone around her larssons in the main stand because he's a sore knee and the bhoys and girls around us were fallin over them selfs to cuddle the kid lol! Anyway on the way out I heard her jinggiling. I picked her up and she was heavy, she emptied her pockets and she had £31 quid.I said where did you get that and the wain said the kind celtic people.I knew the odd guy gave her a pound but that, I was blown away! Thank god I never took the wife I'd have owed the kind people money
HHThommyj {Ed007's Note - I bet she never halved the money with you? Those penny-pinching women start early.}