20 Jul 2013 19:11:49
According to a Celt at the game today there was chanting mocking the death of Lee Rigby, the soldier killed by a lunatic in London. If this is true it is a FKN DISGRACE. Quite apart from disgracing our club what kind of human beings are these people? What are they thinking? This young guy, who left a wife and young family behind, was killed in the most horrendous way.For someone to think a song about it was acceptable is awful. I would hope there was CCTV footage and the complete ******s are identified and barred for life from Celtic Park. I am totally disgusted by this. green jhedi {Ed007's Note - More nonsense from the twisted minds of The Rangers/Sevco hordes started by one of them on Twatter I'm afraid JG. I would have thought you would have seen through it. Funny nobody knows the tune or the words that were allegedly sung.
File this one beside the Dundee 'riot', the Islam CSC flag and the 'fact' that we used to leave the CP floodlights on to help the Luftwaffe during the war.}

1.) 20 Jul 2013
ED007: Yeah, sorry mate. It was the fact that a Celtic fan tweeted it that got me.Went searching for more facts and it seems it was an EDL organised piece of garbage. The Brentford fans were raving about the whole game and even the police and stewards did'nt seem bothered by the pitch invasion.

It seems that attention loving graham is putting it about as well, that and Celtic fans torched their bus! Graham of the yard perhaps?. green jhedi

2.) 20 Jul 2013
Absolute rubbish started by one of the 300 who called lenny a racist.

3.) 20 Jul 2013
@ 007


Very, very bad taste if it is indeed true, which unfortunately I wouldn't be that surprised if it was. {Ed007's Note - Until I see or hear any evidence I'm not wanting to get bogged down in it. Look on Twatter and you can easily find who started it. It says a lot more about The Rangers/Sevco fans that they need to make this stuff up, and lets us all on here know what you are like with that statement. Bit of wishful thinking on your part.
I have spoke to people who were there over the phone and in text messages, no such thing happened. Read what Brentford club officials have said. Send in any proof of it happening that isn't just some wee bigoted mug on Twatter and I might take you serious about it.
And let's be honest, what gives The Rangers/Sevco fans the right to take the moral high-ground over anyone?}

4.) 20 Jul 2013
20 Jul 2013 23:38:38
This is the kind of allegation you do not make or associate yourself with unless you have 100% proof and heard it with your own ears.

As you said GJ, a young guy lost his life in the most horrific manner and to use this to make yourself twitter popular actually makes me feel ill.

I don't know who this Graham guy is but he is a sorry excuse for a human being and certainly no football fan ~ Mrs E

5.) 21 Jul 2013
Lets hope that this wee fandan gets a chap at his door from the the personter police. I am getting really scunnered how these fans of a new club are trying to poison the whole of the scottish game. Is it not enough that they have been let away with murder and the SFA have broken every rule to accomodate the cheating/lieing/city wrecking/tax avoiding/racist/bigoted/thieving etc etc persons.

Pistol Pete should be at Sepp's front door demanding answers as he certainly wouldn't get an answer at Ogilvies!!


6.) 21 Jul 2013
Was at the game not one vile song was sung signing wise the boys were well behaved

7.) 21 Jul 2013
Well let's see the police get in there and make an arrest maybe! let's face it, these sort of comments are designed to cause trouble and unrest of the highest order!
There has already been arrests with regards to tweeting on this topic so let's see another one! If there isn't any action, I think people need to be asking serious questions as to why not?!

8.) 21 Jul 2013
Once again Ed007 you have proven me right. I posted a message stating a differing opinion to yours, nothing wrong with it, yet you take it all away with "***" and make it look like I have said something against the rules. So if you could clear up what it was I said for future reference that would be appreciated. You are clever, I'll give you that and I appreciate the job you do as you know your stuff. You are excellent on the wrestling page, but on the Celtic page you are totally different. You are beyond arrogant imo. I take it you were not there today, so as you say (and as I said in my post, which you decided to take away) it is all hear say.

GRD {Ed007's Note - I edited your post because it was just full of malicious lies that you had read on Twatter, it's as simple as that. If it wasn't you I would have deleted the whole post and blocked you from the sites. Your opinion of me is neither here nor there, I prefer to take a responsible adult approach to things, you should try it sometime.}

9.) 21 Jul 2013
If it had been in any way true, it would be a big story. The fascist element try to use social media to spread their hatred all the time. However hard they try, it never works. The vast majority are too well brought up to be fooled. Unfortunately they only ever succeed to pass it on to their own children, thereby making them the real victims of their twisted minds. You must remember people pay to join these organisations and foolishly line the pockets of the organisers. They have to lie because the truth destroys them.

10.) 21 Jul 2013
There was a very good piece on news now guys. Detailing how a sevco fan started this. Should still be there so go have a look. Should clear this horrible mess up. Our fans were excellent down there Brentford fans were raving about us one said he was walking alone through crowds of us and the only contact received was several cuddles lol. Even there manager loved us. I don't want to talk about why this twisted sevconian started this because that is giving the degenerate exactly what it wants.
